incarnate offers a variety of brands for both male and female consumers in a unique gallery type setting. The retail environment is a comfortable open concept design complete with a lounge and internet cafe for those who just want to hang out, play or listen to music or catch up with the latest trends, The gallery component offers local artists an opportunity to exhibit their work and is part of incarnates commitment to providing independent artists, whether it be musicians, djs, photographers or artists, an opportunity to display their talent.The store carries apparel, accessories, pottery, natural cosmetics and artwork for a variety of music related lifestyles. Featured brands include Firetrap, Kitchen Orange, LRG, Luxirie, Lost Boys Inc., Ezekiel, Upper Playground, Flosport, Pottery By Ben, WildeWood Naturals and American Apparel, a sweatshop free North American manufacturer dedicated to producing socially responsible T-shirts and related apparel.----------------------------------------------------
----------31 Wyndham Street North, GUELPH, Ontario N1H 4E4-----------------We are located in downtown Guelph, directly between
Macdonell and Quebec street.
Contact Us:
Phone: (519) 836-9426
E-mail: [email protected]
---------------------------------8 Mill St. West, Elora, Ontario N0B 1S0Contact Us:
Phone (519) 846-9837
E-mail: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------
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