BERTO - My oldest friend, he's like my partner in crime even though whenever get in trouble ;). Been best buds since 5th grade and stayin that way! And he throws the best kickbacks evah!WESLEY - DUDE! Funniest mother effer on the planet, if you wanna cool, meet Mr Cool Welsey Mendez. No one will make ya laugh harder, and he has the best parties anywhere! And the coolest girlfriend ever.SHELBS - Mr Cool number 2 lol. SHelby is the badass of TuHS (or used to be), and he's the fuckin ladies man, or used to be till he got a girlfriend haha. If there's a party he is there!KALEIGH - My bestest chick friend, and my best friends girlfriend hahah. She has no bullshit, no drama, no lies whatsoever in her life. She is like one of the only people I know that would NEVER talk shit aboot anyone. And is sooo nice, if you don't know Kaleigh, I feel bad for you lol.ROBERTO - what can I say? Is there anyone more dependable or fun to hang out with? NO! I've been on a shitload of adventures with this guy, and it aint a party unless Berto's there!!!!REAHANA - THe coolest girl in the world. No seriously, just talk to her for like 5 minutes, there is seriously nothing UNcool aboot her. And she's completely random and can actually make skating look COOL. o_ODAN - DAN THE MAN!! The newest guy but certainly not the least important. If ya want a friend that has no bullshit whatsoever, talk to this guy. And he is the nicest and least judgemental person, And totally fucking hilarious!VERONICA - The V! hahaha, she's the definition of "crazy white girl" lol. She'll tear anyone up who crosses her, but she's also a damn sweetheart and she was one of those people I could hang out with for a few days straight and not get tired of her lol. She's also one of the friends I miss the MOST becuase she was retarded and moved away.Other Important people: Paris, Natasha, SOfia, David, Kaitlynn, A-ron, Aaron, Niki, David Sankey (Won't forget that bro)Layout by CoolChaser