About Me
Janice markel was her name and she is the long lost saxon Godess of light and illumination. Behold, she came to me in a vision one evening before twilight as i was busy sipping champagne with friends. Her solid force struck me in mid-jovial sentence and i was laid out, prostate upon the ground. My friends looked on as i began to babble in a strange foreign tongue, and it was not long before they realized that i was under the influence of some wandering spirit. When i came to, my senses felt fresh and anew, as if i had bathed in the strongest floor tile cleaner ever made. (Pine-Sol, i believe it's called) Slowly i got up off the ground, and with a twinkle in my eye, preached a new and strange gospel of love and political savvyness. My friends were moved and begged me to let them become my disciples, but i declined their offer and explained that i was not the one they sought, but She was. Here's to you, janice markel, light Goddess of our ancestors. We will faithfully await your return until the end of time. In the meantime, i dedicate these songs to your worship, and i will always remember where the inspiration came from in the first place.much love,
rob jacobs II
My Blog
the i am my own wife ep
working on an electronic based record with lots of horns called the i am my own wife ep. it will be finished by the end of the summer. also putting together a live group for the summer yay.
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 16:32:00 GMT
got a show on the radio
listen to me on july 27th on weft.org at 10 pm or 11 pm for those on the east coast or 90.1 fm on the radio for you champaign/urbanites.neato!
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jun 2009 13:02:00 GMT
just in time for summer
hi everyone i come bearing good news.just finished the new record. i think it'll be called "so many eyes" but im not sure.if you want a copy please message me your address and ill send one to ya (for ...
Posted by on Sat, 30 May 2009 14:21:00 GMT
counting the tinsel poking out of your dress like shiny points of lighti zoom in with my camera lens to discoverthat everything is broken down into little trianglesbecause serpinski said so
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 22:37:00 GMT
for this you could swim
moisten thy neurodepositsjust ride along that future slidetaking you deep into whatever may comeforthand pensive afterthoughtnever was good for the liverthat fragile organ to be cherished above all ot...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 16:32:00 GMT
outside the stinking rose
we took in the smoke and let our eyes saunter around.i was a child in a park that i would hold in my heart.and for every one-eyed man cloistered in a jungle dumpsterthere was a neon blur to blind me o...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 22:03:00 GMT
likened to a young needle finding its way into the warmth of a mother tongue. an endorphin cloud expands its way to the surface. down here it is soft and slow and dark. nothing ever moves but for the ...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:10:00 GMT
Herzog The Unwanted Neiman Marcus Model
Countless Neiman Marcus models ascended out of the depths of hell with the intention of preceding the vast quaver that was to overtake the earth. It turned out that they were merel...
Posted by on Sun, 25 May 2008 22:34:00 GMT
a feeling i had while watching darjeeling limited
when her fingertip placed a dot of paint between my eyes i felt the swirl long after she removed her finger and left the room. the pressure concentrated my th...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 22:35:00 GMT
one day out of every week he makes sure to interupt the cricket chirps with a single shrill scream. the entire meadows stops for a moment, listens, and gradually returns to business. (in specific, the...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 13:08:00 GMT