Music and the Arts... Playing keyboard, scrapbooking, reading books, sketching, chatting, surfing the net, hanging out with friends, watching concerts and live bands...
"Fun to be with people who make sense"... Those who appreciate love for music and songwriting... long lost friends and classmates...
Songs of any genre... great rhythm, music style and lyrics. ;-)
Romance... those that feature Julia Roberts (My Bestfriend's Wedding, Notting Hill, Pretty Woman), Serendipity, A Walk to Remember, Wedding Planner, The Cure & the like...Suspense... Horror... The Ring series LOTR and Harry Potter The GrudgeFuturistic!
Ophrah, Fresh Gear, Digital Tour, Convergence, Concert shows on TV, Bitoy's Funniest, Extra Challenge, Charmed, Ghost Whisperer, F, US Girls...
Og Mandino's masterpieces, The Purpose-Driven Life, the Tao of Pooh and Piglet... The Da Vinci Code, Sophie's World, Tuesdays with Morrie...
My all-time favorite superhero.... Superman!