My name's Joey. Music is my life. I basically live and breathe it. I'm almost always listening to music, and look up to many artists. I'm a vegitarian.
I'm straight edge, and proud of it. I think drugs and ciggarrettes are just stupid, there's better ways to be cool. I find alcohol to be overrated, so I don't feel that I need it.
If you're a band, please don't message me. Although I am big on music, I honestly just don't care too much. Unless you're local, just leave me be.
I enjoy thetrical productions. It's really fun to be a part of them. Seeing them is also awesome.
Labels suck. All they do is limit and restrain who people are. I hate the concept. Giving people a label, and then putting them down for it is bullshit. I don't label myself and I do my best not to label others. That's one idea people should learn to follow.
Thought you might care to know.