We met in early 1997 at a stick figure convention (Yes, "stick figure", we don't like being referred to as "drawn people"...Or "cartoons") outside Liverpool and started hanging out together. We checked out several music clubs and got around to talking about the state of today's music. We all agreed that it's just not the same as it was in the "old days".We began to talk about starting our own band to see what might happen. So we spent the last of our drinking money on some old, beat up, instruments and started playing together. After a few years we realized that we didn't sound too bad at all. Then we sat down and tried writing some tunes for us to play, but they were horrid, I mean they really sucked toe cheese through a straw! We decided to start looking for a songwriter who could create and capture the sound, the feel that we had been looking for. But nobody we came across was even interested in trying.So in late 2002 we crossed the pond and came to the states (illegally, but we still haven't been caught yet...shhhh) and eventually ran into this bloke, Woody, who had been writing songs for years but nobody had heard of him yet. His stuff was amazing! It was what we had been searching for all along.We started playing together, doing some old standards and so on, then we began to learn Woody's tunes. Incredible! We loved the feel of what we came up with, we took to it right away, as if these songs had been written just for us.After a few months of practice, we rented a studio in New York and began recording, with Woody arranging and producing. Fabulous! It was such a kick that we finished the basic tracks in only a couple of weeks. By the end of the month, June I think it was, we had layed down all the backing tracks, percussion, extra guitars, piano, sax and backing vocals. Then Woody, Measle and Rick sat down and started the enormous task of mixing down and mastering the project. In just under nine months we had a great sound that felt just perfect.Now we had to figure out how to promote the album. We tried to decide on the best cities to play to get the most exposure. But Ivan and Bludgeon couldn't agree on anything. They got into a big row and left the band, they're still not talking to each other. Eventually the rest of us decided to just put the CD out there to see if anyone was interested in the project.So, here it is, we hope you all enjoy it and we hope that Bludgeon and Ivan can patch things up so we can finally hit the road and do a tour.All for now...The Broodles
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