Welcome to the Rabbits of Caerbannog!Our goal is to have fun in a drama-free and (relatively) mature environment. Real-life is far too unpredictable to take completely seriously so why take pretend-life seriously at all? We are always seeking members that have a positive attitude and a good sense of humor. We also seek to foster a drama-free environment. They call it "playing" a game for a reason, after all.Be sure to check out the rules. ALL MEMBERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING AND FOLLOWING THE RULES! Some people have asked the question, "Why have rules at all in a guild like this?" Simple! Fun without structure leads to chaos. Chaos leads to drama. (Chaos leads to the Dark Side of the Force.) If I don't have a few rules and guidelines then I'm basically defeating my orignal goal before I begin. I don't like to give multiple warnings and I rarely give second chances. That's why I've posted the rules in the Messages section for all to see. That should be all the warning anyone needs. I take the rules seriously so I don't have to take the game seriously. If any of that (or any of the rules) seem a bit too harsh, then perhaps this may not be the guild for you.If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or you just want to say hello, feel free to send me a message here or drop an email at
[email protected] Once again, Welcome to the guild!Splendiferously Yours,
-Proserpine, Benevolent Monarch and Queen of the Underworld (Sylvanas ain't got nothin' on me)