Uzgin Üver was formed in 1991 in Kecskemet, Hungary. The name itself is the name of a Mongolian settlement, where an ancient sacred burial ground was discovered. It means something like ’dry desert area’, ’poor harvest’. Our aim from the beginning has been to create a unique blend of the folk music of different nations, using old and new instruments, sounds and tunes. From the Carpathian Basin to Mongolia, we are working with balkan, turkish, iranian and armenian melodies in our mind. But our songs are not transcriptions, we create our own music. Further influences are jazz and rock, breakbeat and dub, the contemporary and the ancient music equally. The music is almost entirely instrumental, even the human voice is used as an instrument. Some characteristic instruments are: sax, clarinet, different kinds of flute, zurna, kaval, duduk, jew’s harp, bagpipes, violin, drums, percussions, electric guitar, sampler, HD-recorder and Tuva-style vocal. We are in connection with the contemporary fine arts and the radio Tilos. Discography: Poor Harvest home-made demo tape (1992) / CD I (1995) / CD II (1999) / Puppet/Theater/Music (2002) / Voros Rebek (2004) / Voros Reworkz (the remix album of Olivier Drieu/France - 2005). Concerts: all important Hungarian clubs and festivals (every year of Sziget Festival). Concerts outside Hungary: Anger (A), Prague (CZ), Wien (A), Linz (A), Paris (F), Sidney (AUSTRALIA), Berlin (D), Plovdiv (BG), Caen (F), Ljubljana (SLO), Venice (I), Tolmin (SLO), Strassbourg (F), Dunajska Sreda (SK), Kishegyes (SER), Humenne (SK), Subotica (SER), Bratislava (SK). International music workshops: 2002 Odysseus (together with 30 French, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Irish and Hungarian musicians - 2 weeks in Plovdiv and 1 month in Normandy), 2003 and 2004 Mediawave Music and Film Festival: Etno Workshop with French, Serbian, Polish, Ujgur, Kurd and Hungarian musicians (leader: Michael Montanaro), 2006 ImPulse Beijing: DJs from Asia and Europe among others Peter Homoki aka dj Steppe (organizer: Asian European Foundatiom (ASEF) Singapore). Contact:
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