I like to wakeboard, go tanning,dance, read, and hang out with my friends, go to basin creek, have fire night at my house, and fun stuff like that
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I like a lot of music- the used,panic at the disco,cartel,fallout boy....spicegirls....lol i dont know i like everything
i like so many movies it would be impossible to name them all so here's a couple i like Babay Mama,Juno,knocked up,pineapple express,I am legend,disturbia......
ok my favorite show in the world in one tree hill, Real World, law and order SVU!
i love books and i love to read im such a nerd. lol. i like jodi picoult books cuz they rock and nicholas sparks are pretty good too, and im a harry potter geek ,and i love te twilight series..