Kellie, Climbing, Slacklining, SuperSmashing,hiking, camping,
All those pretty boys on t.v. so i can smack em one for being morons. I wouldn't mind meeting anyone really. People are fascinating and i accept everyone for who they are!
I am the drummer for VOODOO SCIENCE . I'm the best one in the band, those guys kind of suck but at least there is good drumming right? ;) INCUBUS ALL THE WAY!!!! Iron and Wine is pretty groovin to!
The Prestige. Chick flicks.
I don't watch it unless i have nothing else to do, and i mean nothing! I do use my television downstairs to watch and play nintendo with my buddies on occasion.
Banner in the Sky, RATS SAW GOD, Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack, BOM.
Batman, Spiderman, the local grocery man... anyone who tries basically.