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- Character -

Dark and brooding over his past "sins", Vincent carries many burdens and secrets. Despite his cold personality, he is not uncaring: at a point where Cloud admits he thought Vincent was cold and didn't care about the planet, Vincent casually brushes off the remark. He also has a soft spot for Lucrecia, referring to her as a beautiful lady when meeting Cloud's allies. He fiercely despises Hojo for his various immoral actions, and it is the promise of meeting him that stirs him to accompany the party in Final Fantasy VII. Vincent is reluctant to speak, although when he does he typically has something very important to say.
Nojima has noted that Vincent is naturally a loner, and had he not been a former ally of Cloud and his friends, he probably wouldn't have joined them to fight Bahamut SIN in Advent Children. His voice actor Shogo Suzuki noted that Vincent's few appearances had a profound impact each time they occur, and that Tifa's remark "they're our friends" after Vincent's arrival shows his underlying warmth. He was also noted to be very similar to Cloud, only more mature and older, which influenced his character and voice work. Vincent was originally intended to appear in Kingdom Hearts with Cloud, but it was decided to remove him due to similar brooding personalities.
- Story -

About 25 to thirty years before Final Fantasy VII, Vincent was once a member of the Turks, which was then known as Shinra's "Department of Administrative Research." When he was assigned to supervise the Jenova Project in Nibelheim, he fell in love with a scientist named Lucrecia Crescent, an assistant to Gast Faremis. When he discovered her link to his deceased father, Lucrecia fled from Vincent, ultimately entering a relationship with her associate Professor Hojo instead. Lucrecia became pregnant afterwards, and Hojo planned to use the fetus as a test subject for the Jenova Project.
Vincent objected to the use of humans—especially Lucrecia—as test subjects. Even so, in the interest of science, Lucrecia proceeded with the treatment and became very sick as a result. Outraged, Vincent confronted Hojo in the Shinra Mansion's underground laboratory and a heated argument ensued. Hojo ended it with treachery, pulling a gun from his lab coat and shooting Vincent in the stomach. He proceeded to use Vincent's half-dead body as the subject for experiments involving strengthening the endurance of the human body, and metamorphosis, enabling the body to transform into various monstrous forms. While Hojo does succeed in making Vincent's body stronger, Vincent dies during the procedure. Lucrecia, devastated with Vincent's death, used her knowledge about Chaos to resuscitate him by infusing the Chaos-tainted Mako into him. The procedure worked, as Vincent's body, due to Hojo's previous experiments was strong enough to become a Chaos vessel, however, Chaos was completely out of control and only stopped when the Protomateria had a reaction to Chaos. The Protomateria, which had been discovered by Grimoire alongside Chaos and theorized by Lucrecia to have been created by the Planet "out of necessity as a means to control Chaos and prolong it's own inevitable fate," had been in Lucrecia's laboratory. She put it inside Vincent's chest, and thus Vincent was able to control Chaos to a degree. Vincent later awakened on the operating table and responded to his modified body with both anguish and rage.
Believing himself responsible for Lucrecia's illness after Sephiroth's birth, he locked himself inside a coffin in the basement of Nibelheim's Shinra Mansion, where he slept mostly undisturbed for 28 years to atone for his "sins". He constantly relived his "nightmare" for these years as a punishment for his inability to stop Lucrecia from submitting to Hojo's experiment on her unborn baby.
- Advent Children -

During the year following Final Fantasy VII, Vincent traveled the world, mysteriously popping in and out, retrieving information and helping those in need, keeping even looser connection with his friends than the rest of the party. In 2009, he eventually followed rumors to the Forgotten Capital, where the Remnants of Sephiroth were stationed. After Tseng and Elena were struck down and tortured by the trio at the Northern Crater, Vincent rescued them and helped them recover, while getting as much information about the remnants as he could.
When Kadaj began to fight Cloud in the Forgotten City, Vincent rushed in and opened fire at Kadaj while picking up Cloud and carrying him to safety. Resting in a remote part of the forest, Vincent relayed information about the Geostigma to Cloud, and the impending rebirth of Sephiroth. Cloud, still tormented over his guilt at being unable to prevent the deaths of Aerith and Zack, asked Vincent if sins were ever forgiven. Vincent simply replied "I've never tried". After a few minutes of thought, Cloud decided to try, and tells Vincent that he would "phone in the verdict".
Vincent showed up with the rest of AVALANCHE for the battle against Bahamut SIN, inquiring as to where he could buy a cell phone (a joke in the film; he apparently is the only member of AVALANCHE without one). He told the party the truth about Kadaj aboard the Shera, while Cloud dueled him atop the remains of Shinra Headquarters. Although the party members were eager to help, Vincent told them that Cloud could handle him alone.
During the bonus feature Reminiscence of Final Fantasy VII, Vincent made a call to Cloud. At some point after Advent Children, Vincent purchased a cell phone, and made a point to relay a message to Yuffie that she had no right to call it.
- Dirge Of The Cerberus -

A year following the events of Advent Children, in 2010, Vincent was called into duty once again. When the mysterious group Deepground began attacking people around the world, Vincent Valentine and the World Regenesis Organization started investigating. Deepground, they found, was a group based from secret experiments underground in the Shinra Building that were trying to awaken the final Weapon, Omega. To do this, they were hunting down Vincent Valentine, who housed the powerful Protomateria needed to control Omega. Vincent was forced to fight off the constant attacks while trying to solve the mystery of his own dark past. Eventually, he got his answers with the help of a young Tsviet named Shelke.
Deepground was able to steal the Protomateria straight from Vincent's body, and Chaos became increasingly unstable within Vincent throughout the game. At the end, it was revealed that a digitized version of Hojo was the mastermind of the plot. Chaos was finally completely unleashed and defeated Hojo, Deepground and Omega. When Vincent concluded his mission, he disappeared within the Crystal Cave where Lucrecia lay for some good time. Cloud's party eventually sent a befriended Shelke to retrieve Vincent, who had made his amends and forgiven himself for his "sin".
Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII- revealed that when Vincent confronted Hojo he was shot, and turned into a sample for Hojo's metamorphosis experiment. The experiment left Vincent with three demonic transformations, but he was left in a death-like state. Upon discovering this, Lucrecia took his body and attempted to save him by implanting the Chaos gene within him. While Vincent was revived by this process, he became Chaos itself and had no control over the form. The Protomateria then appeared and Lucrecia used the materia to suppress Chaos and allow Vincent to have some control over the transformation. In a flashback, Vincent woke up on a table in a lab, and looked down to find himself in his Galian Beast form.
It is ambiguous precisely what happened between Vincent's awakening in the laboratory and the beginning of his extended slumber. In a note written by Hojo - the first clue provided for uncovering Vincent - he claimed to have put Vincent to sleep in the basement himself. While there was originally much conjecture as to whether Vincent's sleep was fully voluntary versus induced because of his own attitude toward it and the mystery of his in-game attire and long hair, a flashback scene in Dirge of Cerberus clearly illustrates Vincent was experimented on and then immediately put to sleep in his current appearance as a Turk. His change of appearance to his current design is unexplained.

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