About Me
" 'We are Gods, because we are good men. And we know everything because we started first with knowing ourselves.' That's it. That's the absolute. It has no exceptions in it. It's the education of eternity. There are no masses multiplied an unlimited amount of times that can compare to that. It's the ultimate. Think of it like this, this whole world, this reality that we live in, is one big death, it's nothing that you think it is. because in reality, the very definition of nature is a spirit which is something that is totally invisible to our physical senses. But you see, I don't know anything and once you realize that you know nothing, then your learning can begin. but if you already think you have the truth, then you won't make it anywhere. When you meet the people who have this truth, they are pure love, they do everything for everybody else, they don't ask a thing for themselves, they don't have the slightest bit of fear. When you go for this, money wont mean anything to you. The intelligent man never has alterior motives. He never does something to have the greatest life, he never does something for the money, he never does something because of politics. He is love. He doesn't care about the teacher, the grade, he wants the truth and that's it. That's the problem, when you already think you are doing the right thing, but you aren't. In this world, you don't realize that you are a slave to the authority outside of us. You think, Oh land of the free, 'm free, But you've never really actually sat down and thought for yourself. All you do is repeat what you've been told. You've never once been the authority, it's always been someone else. And even they have never been the authority. They are just telling you to do what they have been told. Here's what happens when you do. If a great miricale happens in your life (it would have to be a miricale because you already think you are doing it) where you realize you're the authority here, not your parents, not the government, not your teachers, no one but you. That means with your own intelligence which is wisdom of common sense, not a worldly reputation. That means you look at what you are willing to live and die for and what you've been taught. So when you sit down and think, you get this incredible flash of "lightlove" that is the most powerful experience in your whole life. And for the first time in your life, you aren't afraid to face reality, you want the truth, you aren't living for an alterior motive, you're intelligent to the max and you're above all of the worlds authorities that cause all the problems. Speaking of that, if the educational and social systems were so smart, we wouldn't have all of these problems in the world. We created these systems, no one else. We're responsible for all of our problems. This wouldn't happen if we thought for ourselves. We make a god out of everything in this would except the only thing that counts.... Ourselves. We make a god out of all our creations. Our games, our Celebrities, our T.V.'s, politics. Yet we think it's wrong to make a god out of ourselves. Oh, that's taboo, that's blasphemous... What are you talking about man?? You're crazy! God is just perfect love, perfect character. There's nothing wrong with that. But when your mind is hypnotized with fear, you'll see bad in everything that is perfect in of itself. So the world finds fault with the idea that we are god, even though it's obvious that we are. I don't want to make a long story but I'll give you one of the many examples that we are god. The important thing is to get the principle. If you ever got it in your head that it's literally true, that it's not what you would call 'wishfull thinking' or a fancy slogan of some sort, but that it's true. You're the god in this story. If you ever got that in your head, you'd be gone from the world. You'd turn your mind away from all worldly interests and you'd say 'Goodbye, I'm my own man.'
Right in the middle of the world. You could be the king of all of the countries in the world and you could just throw it all away and say good bye. That's your personal power. That's not what the world calls power, That's your real self that the world has no authority over. It's your willpower and you can anything you want. They don't own you. If you don't like it, goodbye, you're gone. " -Vivek.More to come.