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About Me

mAkuLiT,swEet,seNsitIve,siMpLe,tHoughTfUL,perFecTioNiSt,maKu Lit,coRny,fRieNDLy,..gEt tO knOw moi! ;-)

My Interests

cOoKinG/baKinG,annOyiNg peoPLe,trAveLLinG,reAding,sLeEpiNg,haNgiNg ouT eiThEr @ frIend'S hoUsE oR aT d MaLL,sUrFinG d NeT,sPorTs,LeArnIng nEw sTufFs

I'd like to meet:

oLd cLassMates,fRienDs, peOpLe,..thOsE wHo knOwS mE...... anyOne!


BaRbiE's cRadLe,FreEsTyLe,NyoY&d ManNos,PaoLo SanTos,keIth MarTin beCauSe oF YoU,..acoUsTiC muSic,rNb,baLLad...aNd sO oN..


SinGinG in d rAin,My FaiR LadY,fInding Nemo,DisNey cLassIcs/moVies,wHat a giRL wAnts,moNa LisA sMiLe,ceNter sTaGe,EvEr afTer,muSicaL moVies,HaLLmaRk moVies..


oLd-FasHion gIrL,NaNcy dRew mySterIes,cLassIcs

My Blog

Business Ventures

who said i can't be good in this avenue? well my friends, lately, i've been active with the buying and selling of some stuffs. i wasn't expecting to gain something out of it but i tried it out anyways...
Posted by niCoLe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

oLiver James..

i'm Loving OLiver James as of now.. i've seen the movie fLick What a GirL Wants a fifth time.. ;-) ::Greatest Story Ever Told Long Time Coming Thank you for this moment I've gotta say how ...
Posted by niCoLe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST