Myspace Layout StealerOn my page, eh?
Welcome, I suppose.
I'm now twenty-one. Not sure how that's working out for me yet... there's definitely more mornings when I wake up and don't immediately know where I'm at, however.
I'm a lost soul in a world of conformity.
I'm not anything. It's as if I don't even exist at times. I would be more surprised then anyone if any actions I take throughout my life have a profound, or even noticeable impact on the world around me.
There's more to life then drinking, drugs, and sex. Although everything does have it's time and place.
What should one pursue in life? What is truly good, evil, or otherwise? Who are we, as imperfect beings, to judge others around us?
I'll bend, but I'll never break. Changing for others is something I'll never understand. The only time one can truly change is when they sincerely want to change, for themselves.
Oh, while we're talking - I do play Magic the Gathering. It's a card game. If you don't know what that is, same yourself some time and don't talk to me. :)
If you're a fatty, please don't hit on me. It's not that I hate people who are overweight. I just don't find them attractive as long-term mates.
I'm a decent vocalist. Working on an industrial project right now.
Religion is garbage. I would apologize for offending you, but I don't give a fuck.
I AM one of the most shallow people you will ever meet. If you're a fatty, or look like you got hit with the business end of a sledgehammer, do yourself a favor and X out of my page, then report immediately to your local applicable health clinic for either liposuction or facial reconstructive surgery. Thanks. :)
Have sex with whomever you want. At it's best, sex can be an amazing way to connect with those you deeply care about.
Love knows no gender. Sorry, conservative fucks.
I'm extremely loyal. No matter what the situation, those I care about are right, 100% of the time. Fuck with the people I care about, and I'll fuck with your face. :)
Conflicts aren't generally necessary. If everyone just minds their own shit, and keeps their nose out of places it doesn't belong, there shouldn't be a problem. An old friend used to tell me... "Worry about who you can control... yourself."
Death is the eventual end to all life. While you're here, live the way you want to, never in accordance with others' standards.
And... that about wraps it up. If you don't like something I say, you can run along and play hide and go fuck yourself, because that's about how much I care.