Danielle profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Well, if you can't tell by my Interests entry or my pic, I tend to crossdress. I'd love to do a lot more than I've done already, but I live with my parents...and they would never understand. I'm very unsure of what I actually want out of my dressing...that is, what "category" I fall into. Crossdresser? Transvestite? Transsexual? Sissy? I don't know what I want, because I can't experiment and find out what feels right to me. Instead, I go through my day to day life, acting like people expect me to act instead of how I feel I should act. In short, I tend to be miserable most of the time.
I do have a few preferences for the outfits I'd love to wear, of course...I'm fascinated by all things latex and rubbery, but also by all things satiny, frilly, and thoroughly sissy. Kind of an odd mix, I know, but I like 'em anyway. My favorite skirt (out of the very few I own) is a lovely shiny PVC miniskirt...I'll put up some pics eventually. And yet, I look at eBay auctions for frilly gothic lolita maid dresses, especially the pink ones, and sigh with longing. ...dangit, I want to have a bigger wardrobe! *pouts*
In spite of my standard bouts of depression and self-doubt, I have a very goofy sense of humor, and can find the surreal in almost any facet of life. I may be down a lot, but I'm very seldom out; I'll complain about having to do something, but then I'll do it anyway because I know it has to be done.
When talking to me, do try to keep in mind that I have a distinct tendency to not make sense...this could be me attempting to be odd, or just having a complete mental shutdown. Just treat it as entertainment, and it should be fine. *giggles*
I enjoy anime and manga and have quite a large collection of both, along with my huge library of books. Now if I only had enough room in my bedroom to put all of them... As you may have noticed from the first paragraph of this section, I still live with my parents. I can't afford my own place as of yet. *sighs* I hope to be on my own sometime soon...my pretties are all stashed away and not getting the love and attention that they need. :(
I'm afraid there will be no pics of my face anywhere in my albums...you see, I know some people who use MySpace but don't know of my...activities...and I'd like to keep them not knowing. A random search bringing up my face in full makeup could be bad. ;) (...not to mention the fact that I have very little makeup experience and I'd look horrid. *sobs*)
Oh, and if you use MySpace IM, and want to talk to someone who is nifty, yet odd, and has a penchant for wanting to dress up in sexy, sissy, shiny and rubbery things, just use this link.
Isn't the internet fun? ;3

My Interests

Okay, time for the standard big honkin' list of comma-separated text! Whee!Crossdresser, crossdressing, transvestite, transgender, transsexual, sissy, feminization, forced feminization, lingerie, makeup, high heels, skirts, bimbo, breast forms, panties, satin, lace, latex, leather, sex, oral sex, pantyhose, big hair, drag, big breasts, anime, manga, reading, photography, toys, comics, collecting, j-pop, Japan....kinda switched gears halfway through there, didn't I. ^_-

I'd like to meet:

Someone with a good sense of humor, a decent level of intelligence, and no problems at all with "alternative" lifestyles. Oh, and they have to be capable of putting up with my various mood swings and able to resist the urge to throttle me.

Someone with an interest in my dressing and the ability to help out would be an added bonus. Hee.

Friends are good too...I can always use more friends. :3


Green Day, The Pillows, B'z, L'arc En Ciel, Megumi Hayashibara, They Might Be Giants, Smash Mouth, Donna Lewis, Bowling For Soup, Namie Amuro, TM Revolution, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Barenaked Ladies.And absolutely NO RAP. Can't stand rap.


Rocky Horror Picture Show, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Transformers, Clue, Krull, all three Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Star Wars IV through VI, Star Trek I through Generations, Critters 2, Singin' in the Rain, Blade Runner, Battleground, Tora Tora Tora, The Longest Day, lots more ones that I'm not going to take the time to list here.


Bear in mind that this list is going to include tons of anime and things that aren't on the air any more but are television nonetheless. :3 Mystery Science Theater 3000, Princess Princess, Strawberry Eggs, Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl, Saber Marionette J, Ranma 1/2, DearS, Girls Bravo, Eiken, Maburaho, F3, Rei Rei, Dragon Half, Princess Nine, Ai Yori Aoshi, Love Hina, Excel Saga, The Addams Family, Animaniacs, The Muppet Show, House MD, any talk show episode where they do makeovers of guys to make them look like girls...lotsa stuff. Hehe.


The older books in the Xanth series by Piers Anthony, the Myth Adventures series of books by Robert Asprin, along with the Phule series by the same author, the Discworld series of novels by Terry Pratchett, the DragonLance series of novels by lots of different authors, the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, the Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien, pretty much anything by Dave Barry, and lots of different comics and manga, including but not limited to DearS, Cable & Deadpool, Pretty Face, Yubisaki Milktea, Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl, Gold Digger, and Princess * Princess.


Anyone who has more courage than I do and can let people know what they actually want out of life without fearing reprisal or scorn or abandonment, unlike myself.

My Blog

An excerpt.

Was typing up an email response to someone who asked if I was "TV, TS, or CD", and figured I'd paste it into here as a little look inside the bizarre workings of my mind.Plus, it depressed me somewhat...
Posted by Danielle on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 09:27:00 PST


So tired...so very tired. I dunno why, but for some reason work is taking more out of me than usual, both physically and mentally. Maybe I just got too relaxed on my vacation? *sighs*Ah well. I'm sure...
Posted by Danielle on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 09:21:00 PST

Back to work. Bleagh.

Well, today (Saturday) was my first day back at work after vacation.I swear, there is nowhere else in the world that can get my angry as fast as Wal-Mart can. *sighs* I reeeeeeeally need a different j...
Posted by Danielle on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 10:06:00 PST

Job stuff.

So, anyone have a better job they can suggest for me? Or want to hire me? I'm getting sick and tired of dealing with so many screwups at work, and the management, and the customers, and....well, every...
Posted by Danielle on Mon, 19 May 2008 10:41:00 PST

Fanime fanime fanimeeeeeee! :3

Yay! I'm alllllmost to my vacation! Just have three more days of work, then one day of at-home vacation, then I leave for San Francisco. :3Yup, I'm going to California-land...flying in to SF, then goi...
Posted by Danielle on Sat, 17 May 2008 06:41:00 PST

Peril on the Internet!

Had a bit of a close call (well, in my mind, anyway) yesterday...went to OKCupid, where I have a profile because I love doing their tests, and I had it before I had my MySpace page ANYway, but I digre...
Posted by Danielle on Wed, 07 May 2008 08:23:00 PST

Random anime list! Yay!

Because I'm somewhat bored, I'm going to list off all of the anime that I own here. Because I can. Hehe. (I was going to include my manga collection, but this was long enough as it is. o_o;; )"Regular...
Posted by Danielle on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 09:19:00 PST

Ye gads.

So, it seems that every time I stop logging in for a while, usually due to work, people start removing me from their Friends list or something....it’s kinda creepy. Someone even fled from my Top...
Posted by Danielle on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:01:00 PST

Oof. Im bad at this.

Yeah, so...apparently I really really suck at keeping a blog. I mean, lots of stuff (none of it particularly interesting, but still) happens to me or around me every day, but I could at least post som...
Posted by Danielle on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 04:14:00 PST

OKCupid Test Thingies!

Okay, time to put some of my more favorite OKCupid test results in here. I used to do this a lot on LiveJournal...besides, I'm bored right now, because I'm making myself take a break from Lost Odyssey...
Posted by Danielle on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:30:00 PST