name="quizform" target="_new" action="" method="post"
What kinda sex do you like?
Favourite Color
Times you want to fuck a day.. 5
Fav. position any position as long as its rough
How you like it anyway you can get it
Where do you like doing it on the beach
how good are you? hot and steamy
This QuickKwiz by sixmilesleft - Taken 1340 Times.
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I love Golf it the greatest sport ever cratead
A real rich motha fuck beacome real good friend get to know his family and where they live then rob that motha fuck bline he wont even see it coming
L Luscious
U Unforgettable
K Kinky
E Elitist
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
C Creepy
A Astonishing
M Mischievous
E Exquisite
R Relaxing
O Odd
N Normal
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
T Terrific
A Arty
N Nice
N Neat
E Exhausting
R Relaxed
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
D Dashing
A Accurate
I Inspirational
B Brutal
O Organic
Y Yum
S Shiny
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
P Perfect
I Intense
R Rich
U Unreal
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
P Perfect
I Intense
R Rich
U Unreal
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
I'm more of a West side guy my self but i'm going to say IT's Dipset Bitch
I realy dont watch movies because of the fact that i'm bizzze watchin the spurs games tryin to pick eva out of the crowd damn that wiffie right there
I like watchin some shit that will make you think feel me like some CSI that is some tight shit I like me some Pimp MY Motha Fuckin Ride that is my anthome right there
Well the time has come to let you know how many books I have read the truth is I have never read A book in my life reading is for squars
only got one hero man and thats motha fuckin MJ.