O.N.E profile picture


About Me

My name is F. Serrano aka ONEGOD. O.N.E.G.O.D. stands for One Never Ends God's Omnipotent Deliverance, Just believe! I was born in Brooklyn, New York and raised in Miami, Florida. Currently I reside in the Bay Area. God grants me the strength to move on and create a musical force to be reckoned with by combining Hip-Hop music and the sounds of the world to create a unique sound that could go from one extreme to another. I give the artist the edge no matter where they're from.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Record Player

Mi nombre es F. Serrano tambien conocido como O.N.E.G.O.D. ONEGOD significa que uno nunca termina la deliverancia de Dios en ingles. Nadamas tenemo que creer en el. Yo naci en Brooklyn, Nueva York y me crie en Miami, Florida. Presentemente yo vivo en la area serca de Tampa Bay. Dios me da la fuerza para seguir adelante y crear una fuerza musical unica. Combinando la musica de Hip Hop y los sonidos del mundo para hacer un sonido unico que puede lograr llegar de un extremo al otro. Yo le ofresco al artista la adventaja sin que importe de donde sea.

My Interests


Member Since: 02/09/2007
Band Members: O.N.E GOD
Influences: God... and my People are my influence, I'm proud of my culture.....
Sounds Like: I sound like nothing else and I strive to perfect a different sound to bring to the table.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Music and development

This something  I read and wanted to share with you all.  I hope it is of some use. Many artists put in their mission statement, simply that they want a record deal, thinking that is all th...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 09:41:00 GMT