James Westhall a.k.a. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater!! profile picture

James Westhall a.k.a. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater!!


About Me

Im from Bronx NY, moved to San Diego CA when I was 14 and lived there till I went to college only went two years. Im proud of who i am and regardless of what people think of me. i do what I want when I want. Cause why???? cause I can LOL!!! that's one of the perks of being an adult. lol well what else can I say about little ol me. I have great friends: Lenny(Im a rockstar and you love it) Fletcher, Jon( Im still gonna call you a fuckin mexican even though your puerto rican) Howarth and last but not least Shane(I have the worst luck in the world) Rhaab. Gotta give a shout out to my boy Jeremy (my lifes a foot locker soap opera)Goodway LOL you guys know I love yall dont trip you guys make fun of me so this my little funny note of love. I am somewhat educated to the ways of world. Been on my own since I was 16 years old. I am very sensitive about things which will remain nameless. and I dont give a shit.I watch alot of Carlos Mencia, Pablo Francisco, and Dave Chapelle. I also love CKY aka Bam Margera and his wacky crew. Im always try to make everyone around me feel good. i like to be the life of the party. all of yall love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a bannana coniac beeotch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Texas Hold ‘em Poker

just started playing the game getting excited about learning to get better. its awesome game to play.

My Interests

Pro Wrestling, Basketball, Surfing, Kung-Fu, Stand up comedy, MMA, Boxing

I'd like to meet:

Id like to meet people whom in my opinion is cool aka pro wrestlers, comedians, hookers that type stuff lol


Metallica,Justin Timberlake, Jackson 5, N*SYNC, Backstreet Boys, Slayer, anyone from Motown, New Edition, GNR, Trance(DJ Tiesto) and Ludacris. Also cant forget Dr. Dre, Eminem, and John Cena


well i have so many favorites I cant really break them down but all time favs are as followed: teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Top Gun, any CKY or Jackass videos, Berry gordy's The Last Dragon, , Masters Of The Universe, any Movie that has Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in it and The Five Deadly Venoms. mostly all the oldschool slasher horror flicks.


ER(the best drama on TV known to man) KnightRider( best 80s show ever) and any WWE programs


Bam Margera: Prankster kingThe Rock: best wrestler ever AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST.................. THE SUPERFRIENDS!!