If you know me, and I mean really know me, I am interested in anything that will better myself. This is why I've been MIA lately. I'm always working toward something, whether it be in my personal or professional life. I can't sit still and watch life go by. I have to be a part of something..........so basically, I'm interested in whatever is in front of me. I will however stand around long enough to people watch....only a few other friends of mine understand this hobby....only they understand how entertaining it actually is, "look ma look at the monkeys in the cage"
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Your Reputation Is: Maneater
You're the kind of girl all the chicks hate...
And guys are both scared of you yet strangely drawn in.
nope, no celebrities, but you know what.........i really would like to know if there is someone out there who is smarter than i, has travelled as much as me, is as much of a picture and music freak(but not a dj) as i am, doesn't do drugs, would rather be outside than inside watching tv, can have a life outside of a relationship, isn't home all the time, and, as a bonus, has that sexy european(not eastern) accent that gets under my skin everytime i hear it...........what am i thinking, he only exists in my dreams
anything and everything. right now i am listening to a friend's promo cd. i love to hear those more so than anything on the radio.
This is not....Sander Kleinenberg
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Your IQ Is 155
Your Logical Intelligence is Genius
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Above Average
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
my work day is usually around 10 to 14 hours five to seven days per week. it just depends on the day. i really don't have time to watch television. the only television i catch a glimpse of is when i'm at work and i'm walking by it
What kinda sex do you like?
Favourite Color
Times you want to fuck a day.. 10
Fav. position 69
How you like it ROUGH BABY
Where do you like doing it In public places
how good are you? fucking orgasmic!
This quiz by sixmilesleft - Taken 866 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology
i used to think that i had to have a hero, to look up to and help me, now i know that i don't need a damn hero......i make my own decisions, my own life, and OCCASIONALLY my big mouth gets me in trouble, but my friends are there to stop me from getting too out of hand too quickly
You Are a Fierce Femme
You have a wild side, and you aren't afraid to bring it out when the time is right.
But you also know when to hang back and keep your "crazy chick" persona in check.
In fact, some of your friends may be surprised to find out how far you can take it...
You may look mild mannered, but it's all an act!