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About Me

"? There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won’t anymore, and who always will. So don’t stress about people from your past. There’s a reason why they didn’t make it to your future! ?"Hi my name is Alisia n I luv meeting Nice n new ppl. I am Cambodian n Chinese. But 1 thing u need 2 be is urself k- I am a down 2 earth girl. I want 2 be able 2 travel 2 lotz of placez I've never been 2. I really want to go to my home country where my parentz r from. Live life to the fullest. If u'd like 2 know more pls ask, I will answer honestly.I was born in Utah, Salt Lake City but I lived most of my lyfe here in Reno, NV. I love my family very much no matter what we go thru. I have a brother that can kick ass and a little sister thatz a brat but that makez me love them even more. I have a cute cat named CupCakez n very good friendz n wonderful ppl in my lyfe that I am blessed 2 have that can't be replaced. Sum of my close friendz r Diana, Tamiko Mills, Ashley Johnson, Susan, Tracey,Cruz, Amanda, Karla, Susie, Gracie, Alan V, Tina Best,Benjamin, Shelby, Andrea, Edward Sanchez, Adrian Douglas...Olivia Moon, Ashley K, Elmer Cruz, Jenny, Letizia, Terry, Dayna...Mike, James, Mysta Gotti, Tim and HUGO CABRERA Ganzlee Davis, Cheyne Samson, Nate

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I'd like to meet:

Get More at COMMENTYOU.comI'd like 2 meet Good friendz that don't back stab, lie, cheat, and etc. Honest people who don't put up a front. Just be urself and I will like u. I don't like wanna bez. Everyone is their own self n has their own personalities. I want to meet friends anyone is welcomed to my site.Thanks for stopping by. So anyone with that interest of conversation is nice. Khmer and Saipon friends, Chinese, and people I used to go to school with. If they remember me. I have many gay friendz n I love them. They r just so sweet. Nice people and friendz that speak their minds and aren't two faced. I have a couple of deaf friendz so I would like 2 meet more. Anybody is welcomed that is straight up true. I am blessed 4 all the friendz I meet. They mean a lot 2 me.

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