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~!I'm a MOtHeR, DaUgHtEr, SiStEr, AuNtIe, LoVeR and FrIeNd!!! My CHILDREN aRe my WoRlD and ReAsOn to make eVerYdAy a BlesSiNg! I'm HoNeSt, VeRy LoYaL uNtil giVEn a rEaSon NOT to Be, My HeArT is TO big, I EaSiLy FoRgIvE, bUt RaReLy FoRgEt,LoVe is UnCoNdItIoNaL and RaRe to FiNd, I'm SpOTaNiOuS, CoNsIdErAtE, I take what LiFe haNds ME & tRy to mAKe tHe BeSt of IT, I hAVe No ReGrEtS in AnyThiNg tHat I do, PaIn is LOVE, LOVE is LIFE, No day is PrOmIsEd, My FaMiLy AlWaYs coMes FiRsT, I eNjOy hEaRinG oPinIonS, bUt LeAve tHeM at ThaT! 2008 hAs MadE Me a StRoNgEr WoMeN, I LiVeD thRouGh wHAt MosT sAId I CoUlDn'T, I dId wHat EvErYoNe tHouGhT I ShOuLdN't, I GaVe SeCoNd ChAnCeS whEn I shOUld hAvE WaLkEd AwAy, I CrIeD way to many TeArS, My HeArT was BrOkEn, I PiCkEd up OtHeRs PiEcEs before I even ThOuGht about My OwN, I TrUsTeD way to EaSiLy aNd HaD iT ThRoWn In My FaCe, I LiVeD, LaUgHeD, LoVeD, and LeArNeD!~AvOiD FaKe AsS PeOPlE AnD ThE FeMAlES WhO DoN'T SeeM TO UnDErSTaND WhaT COmES ARoUnD GoES ArouND It'S CaLlEd "KARMA" BITCH!!!!!


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A good woman is proud of herself. She respects herself and others. She is aware of who she is. She neither seeks definition from the person she is with, nor does she expect them to read her mind. She ...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 09:50:00 GMT