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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

A Little About Me...I’m an adult who doesn’t like to act like one. I have no intention of ever growing up; yet most of the time I feel like the most mature person in whatever room I happen to be in.

I love God above everything else. I keep his attention by screwing up a lot.

I felt a calling, just after high school, to become a minister. I fought that calling for several years before finally giving in. I didn’t think I could do what God was asking me to do. Once I recognized that God wouldn’t request me to do anything I wasn’t (or wouldn’t one day be) capable of, I came to my senses and started down the right path.

I was enrolled in a local tech. school, trying to get my general education classes out of the way, so that some day soon I could, hopefully, transfer to a four year college, and then eventually to seminary. Unfortunately, my weak mathematics skills seem to have finally caught up with me. I failed Algebra II so many times that I lost my financial aid. Coincidentally, I also lost my job about the same time. So I’m currently stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. I no longer qualify for grants or loans for school, and I also can’t afford to pay my own way at the moment. As a result, school is on hold until I find a job and save up a little bit of money.

I’m a creepy gothic kid, at heart, 24/7, but these days I don’t often have the opportunity to dress the part. I outgrew most of my gothy clothes thanks to a combination of quitting smoking, and side effects from the medication I’m on. Plus, I have no social life to speak of :), so the way I look is pretty low on my priority list at the moment.

I love to read and listen to music. I like fishing and swimming. I guess I spend most of my free time on the computer or reading though. I enjoy plants and gardening too. This year I started a permanent herb garden, and I also began experimenting with bonsai.

When I get a chance to go out, I like hitting the thrift stores and swap meets. I also like going to movies. And, of course, I go to church on Sundays.

I attend NewSpring church in Anderson. We’re one of the fastest growing churches in the country. There’s never a dull moment at NewSping. Perry (the senior pastor) is something of a role model of mine. I hope that when I get my own church someday, I’m able to be as energetic and true to the Lord as Perry is.

My Interests

Places I like to go, and things I like to do, on the Web.

The Hunger Site. A click a day will feed a starving child. No B.S. They’re for real.

NewSpring Community Church. This has been my church home for about 3 years now. You can download any of the sermons here too.

I Am Bored.Com Fun, weird and interesting places to visit when you have nothing better to do.

FUGLY. COM Lots of great humor. Some of it’s in bad taste though – so it’s not for the easily offended.

Goths For Jesus. This isn’t the best Gothic Christian site on the Web, but it contains a list of links to several much better pages.

Guess the Dictator and/or Television Sit-Com Character is the best artificial intelligence game on the World Wide Web.

The Official Website of Bob Geldof , my favorite songwriter, musician and humanitarian. The place to go when you want to decide who to vote for, or to figure out if the person you did vote for is doing a good job.

The Order of Former Freemasons helps to shine a very powerful light on the evils of Freemasonry.

Josey My sweet baby. My best friend. I miss you more than words can express. I pray with all my heart that animals have souls. Heaven won't be half as sweet unless I am reunited with you there.

Myshka She's a spoiled rotten, houseplant destroying, cover hogging, dog attacking, chair stealing pain in the neck. But I love her anyway.

I'd like to meet:

On MySpace: I’d like to meet new and interesting people, who aren’t fakes and who aren’t pretentious. I have already made several new friends through MySpace and I hope to make many more.

If I could meet ANYBODY, be they still on Earth or already gone to be with the Lord, I’d want to meet, among others…



I despise rap and hip-hop. With those two exceptions, I love all types of music. I’m particular about the individual artists I listen to, but I have very diverse tastes. I enjoy everything from Gregorian chants to aggressive, pounding punk, and everything in between. I like it all. Below are a few of my favorites.


I feel that movies are an art form. A well made movie is one of the most wonderful forms of art indeed. There is no particular genre that I favor. A good movie isn’t necessarily good because of (or JUST because of) the subject matter. Below are a few of my favorites, but only a few.


I don’t watch too much TV. Most of what I do watch consists of documentaries and news programs. I do like a few “regular” shows though.


Being a Christian, and a Theology major, The Holy Bible is, of course, my favorite book. However, I read a great deal. I like all kinds of books, and I read a wide variety of authors and genres. For some reason I’ve found that I REALLY relate to a number of Russian writers. So, Russian literature is my favorite fiction.

My Blog

Job Hunting

I'm going to put in an application today - about 1pm or so. I'm terrified, but I'm going to do it. I have got to get back to work. It will be so good for me. It's just the first move that's hard. Putt...
Posted by Ernie on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 08:36:00 PST

Diet update 3-6-7

I got WAY off track with my diet for a while. I would try to do good, and then dad would order a pizza, or want to go out to eat. Having zero willpower, I would give in and eat. As of today though, Da...
Posted by Ernie on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 08:31:00 PST

Follow up to "More Weirdness"

http://www.livevideo.comHere's the link to the sermon I'm talking about...NewSpring Sermon 2-11-7: Cars Part 1...
Posted by Ernie on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:55:00 PST

More Weirdness

I'll let you all know what this is all about later today or tomorrow. For now this is all I know...
Posted by Ernie on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 04:57:00 PST

Slipping away slowly

I've lost 7 more pounds, and gone down 2 pants sizes. I now weigh 298lbs (about 21 1/4 stone, for my British friends). I couldn't have done this without y'all's support. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!...
Posted by Ernie on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 02:27:00 PST

I had quite an interesting Sunday

Watch the video first. Then pan down the page for a couple of updates on the situation. Updates Below | | | | | | | | ../ Anderson has a population of just over 35,000 people. Most...
Posted by Ernie on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:54:00 PST

Thinner and Thinner

Well I managed to make time to go to the doctor's office the other day. Their scale will weigh me. I'm down to 305lbs. That's a total loss of 15 pounds so far. Thanks for all the support you've given ...
Posted by Ernie on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 05:27:00 PST

A Little Less Fat I Assume

I just wanted to let everyone who's interested know that I'm still dieting, and doing well. Unfortunately I'm still too big for the bathroom scale, and I haven't had a chance to swing by the Dr.'s to ...
Posted by Ernie on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 04:48:00 PST

Weight Loss update

This isn't worth posting pics over, sorry. I have, however, lost about 5 pounds in the last two weeks. I don't like that. It's too little, too slowly. Right after Christmas though, I'm going to work i...
Posted by Ernie on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 12:54:00 PST

I can see... I can see!!!!

I finally got some new glasses. I think they're pretty kewl. I'm turning my old pair into sun glasses. I should have them back in a week or so. ...
Posted by Ernie on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 11:19:00 PST