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I am here for Friends

About Me

I find my interests lie along the creative path. Writing, music, photography, design, films, reading, and art. In High School I wanted to be an author, and more recently a photographer. It's too bad that our skills don't always line up with our desires and interests. I know just enough technical aspects of photography to be dangerous, but I do not have a great eye for composition.As for being an author, I have a couple great ideas but perhaps lack the discipline and training to put my ideas into tangible form. Perhaps I like the "idea" of being an author better than actually summoning the discipline and craft to be one. I love reading, but that doesn't translate to being an author.In November I married wonderful Morgan, who challenges and compliments me in ways that are freaky. She somehow snuck past my guard and probably knows me better than I know myself. The way she is able to read me when I'm trying my hardest to be unreadable . . . And for that I am in love with her.I crave simplicity and quiet. Both in my attitude and surroundings. Not that I don't like pizazzy things, it's just that I find my head so full of thoughts at the end of the day it's nice to look around at my surroundings and get a sense of peace. I try to be grounded, sincere, and humble. I'd like to focus more on the things that really matter (in my opinion). Friends, adventures, experiences, relationships. Not the accumulation of material things that simply will not last.And yes, I played D&D when I was younger. For a character I had a half-elven Ranger named Tez. Which, as it so happens, are my father's initials. What of it? By level 8 I acquired the Ranger ability to walk silently and had the set of 5 magical daggers. What were you doing on a Tuesday night in 1991?

My Blog

Bob's Parking

There's this parking lot by the corner of 8th and James Robertson Parkway that I pass often on my way to and fro. I think it's run by an old man named Bob. At least that's what one of the signs says...
Posted by Jeff on Thu, 18 May 2006 02:41:00 PST


You know, I just read a blog and they signed it with their initials, rp. I can't ever do that. Everyone will think I'm a rapper. It looks stupid. Sucks for me. Maybe I'll do it this once. . . jz(...
Posted by Jeff on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 08:11:00 PST