I'm looking to put another project together = looking for someone that can play "keys" and sing ! Drop me an email if you can impress scrutinizing ears: [email protected] would also consider helping Bands that need a good "sound man" = play loud and clear, at +30k watts; for the guitarists having trouble getting their mind around this spoof = that's like "turning it up to 11" (haha).I'm usually asked "how much" $$ Well - I may do one for Free Beer :) and that gig just to get to know everyone - then a "manageable" % of the total money from the gig$$; if doing: multiple gigs @ 10% ,,, or one gig somewhere above 10%I can run Multi-boards, plus a seperate a board for monitors and get nearly 100 seperate channels; or just lite with One big board (36 channels + 8 for monitors) ... that moves into Dual JBL Stacks with addional subwoofers. I ran a show at a Jacksonville Beach Outdoor stage (at a Hotel) = as you may know, you have to move LOTS of air when you're play'n outside (that is if you want to sound good) ... Also, I have Beta-58's for vocals, 57's for amp.mic's, and a set of Kick & drum mics (stands for it all too) ... plus effects, etc...Just drop me a call or email = I've got a busy calendar, but iching to get my stuff out here in B-town (INDY or Louisville is OK too)...My cell# 812-320-1231 my email: [email protected]