Daniel Seis Nueve profile picture

Daniel Seis Nueve

Destiny is a choice, not uncontrolled

About Me

Welcome to my page! If you don't know me...you're probably wondering who is this guy, or what is he about?
My name is Daniel, I'm from Sacramento, CA. I joined the Army when I was 17, and separated in June after 6 years (1 each in Iraq and Afghanistan). Now I live and work in Miami for General Dynamics. It's a great job and I really like it. I have a pet bulldog named Ralph who might be gay.ther then that, I'm a pretty average guy. like to make people laugh and make their lives just a little bit easier when I can.

My Interests

Absinthe and Rums
Ice Cream Sandwiches
Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Finding new places to eat
eating at these new places
Lilo and Stitch
Marvin the Martian
Batman and Joker
Planetariums, Aquariums
Bangbus (hahaha)

Sea Otters
the Dark
some Scary movies
Women taller than me
Dark Liquer
Obese people that can help it
bad jokes
Stinky people

I'd like to meet:

Who does everyone want to meet? Old Friends, people with the same interest as me, Bill Clinton, Paz Vega, Ivanka Trump, Mel Gibson, bunch of other famous folks. hit me up on y!messenger, aim or msn messenger, my sn is the same for all three: esko1269

I made this MySpace Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.




Comedies, Braveheart, Gladiator, We were Soldiers, Top Gun, Most of Tom Cruise's and Bruce Willis's movies. Spanglish, Y tu Mama Tambien, Sex and Lucia, Desperado, Blade II, A day without a Mexican, Gremlins 2, Home Alone I & II, the Goonies, Flight of the Navigator, Ali G in da House, Murder at 1600, Wesley Snipes movies, Snatch, Oceans Eleven and Twelve, Kiera Knightley movies, Closer, Kate Beckensale movies, shit man, if I like the actor or actress I pretty much like whatever movie they're in


Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Game Shows, Adult Swim, Trading Wives, Discovery Network


We were soldiers.., anything about history, starting to get into Chicano/Mexican-American studies. See Spot do whatever the hell he does books.


my MOM, my Grandparents, recovering drug addicts and alcoholics. Bill Clinton. Everyday soldiers, WWII Vets, Batman, Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Ninjas.

My Blog

funny videos

Posted by Esko - The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 08:04:00 PST

12/11/06 In loving memory of my Dad

Check out this MySpace MP3 Player! I made this slideshow at FreeFlashSlideshow.com.Check out these MySpace Slideshows!Dad:Man, not a day goes by...
Posted by Esko - The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 09:13:00 PST

3/22/07 My expeirence with dating thus far

Alright, so for the last 6 years I haven't really given dating any real serious thought. I mean, flings and one night stands aside, I really wasn't in the mood to deal with the opposite sex.......... ...
Posted by Esko - The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 06:15:00 PST

09/27/06 I'm feeling EMO

Yesterday I went to go see my very ill grandpa. Sadly, I don't think that he'll make it until the end of the year. Seeing him there made me reflect on my own life and how horrible 2006 has been for us...
Posted by Esko - The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:19:00 PST

9/706 just for clarification

Women...please stop asking this question..."why do guys always try and get in my pants even though i told him we're just friends". So you know, no matter how much a guy denies it, he is never, evereve...
Posted by Esko - The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 03:11:00 PST

8/28/06 One month ago today

    My dad Raul Ramos died. I miss him soo much. I lay awake sometimes for  hours at a time thinking about how much I need him too just come and give me a big hug like he used too....
Posted by Esko - The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 07:58:00 PST

8/18/06 A rant and rave about the women of myspace

Alrighty, so I just read a pretty good blog from a woman who recieves a ton of messages from guys trying to hook up. Let me ask you this...if most women get upset wit the "dam gurl u fyne" or "u shul...
Posted by Esko - The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 03:49:00 PST

06/28/06 A funny insight into a womans mind

By: Sarah Miller When you look into a woman's eyes, you probably often wonder, What is she really thinking? You truly believe that you want to know. Poor thing. Your curiosity is stronger than...
Posted by Esko - The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 02:42:00 PST

2/25/06 Life update FINISHED on 3/01/06

I've looked at pictures of ralph and I'm not happy at all. The person I bought him from has not returned emails about him and angled the picture so as to decieve the buyer. I say that because of his h...
Posted by Esko - The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 02:45:00 PST

1/25/05 Cut a dogs balls off?

For those of you who don't know, lately I've been shopping around for a bulldog puppy. My brother has one and shes the coolest little dog ever. Her name is Feddi (short for the spanish equivalent of c...
Posted by Esko - The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 04:36:00 PST