Bubba and Them profile picture

Bubba and Them

About Me

Bubba N Them have been making memories for folks that come to the Point Restaurant from all over now for nearly 20 years. It has been a blast for us and we hope that all who have come in for some dinner and music have had a good time and taken some little special memory with them when they left. I can't imagine doing anything else every weekend of my life. It has been so much FUN!!! I hope that I am still doing this when I am 80!! Don't laugh....Hey Check out the LIVE POINT CAM...... =0

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Member Since: 01/09/2007
Band Website: http://www.point-restaurant.com/
Band Members: Robin "Bubba" Kingry keepin’ perfect rhythm on mandolin-- Ray Smith smokin’ on Guitar and the occassional banjo-- David Glencoe rockin’ out on the banjo and guitar-- Teri Glencoe swingin’ on the doghouse bass-- Gaylord Brisbin III sawing on his fiddle and doin’ the best he can

Sounds Like: Kick- ** Bluegrass
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Live Point Cam   Check it out!  
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 16:50:00 GMT