Theatre. History. Especially medieval and renaissance history. Society for Creative Anachronism. Harry Potter. Singing. Running amok. And of course NEVER causing trouble. Because I'm sweet and innocent.
People. But I suppose figments of my imagination will work too...Hmmm...Or maybe the perfect guy for me. *sigh* Other than that, I'd like to meet Bill Nye the Science Guy. Don't laugh. You know you do too. Hearing him speak at UF was AMAZING! And Wishbone. And Ben Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. And Wierd Al. Yesh. I think that's good for now.Oh, and me trusty crew. Here be the crew o' my ship, the Rockin' Rose.
Overall: Showtunes. Pop. Rock. Rap. Country. Whatever.Favorites: Weird Al, Eminem, Beach Boys (though I still don't have any of their CD's), and any random showtunes. I've really been going through a thing for rock the last few months though.
Disney, anything Mel Brooks, and Rocky Horror Picture Show. And of course Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Moulin Rouge, Princess Bride, historical movies, and of course the romantic comedies.
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Gilmore Girls, Boy Meets World, Growing Pains, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, etc... Yes. I'm a loser. But I also really like Scrubs, MASH, and I want to catch up on Heroes.
Harry Potter rules all. Though books like "Night" and "Diary of Anne Frank" are good ones too. (Holocaust theme? Mebbie.) Romance, some manga, like Wild Act, historical fictions or biographies. Some Fantasy/Sci-fi. New age. Things NOT assigned for classes.
Bill Nye the Science Guy, Wishbone, Benjamin Franklin, Anne Frank, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, John Adams, ecc...