Hello there. This it my dedication to a band that has been a part of my life for over 24 years. Wow, i can't believe i just admitted that. The years that is. Thats alongtime.
Depeche Mode is by far my band for life. Every beat, every sound. All of it is about me and who i am. I have seen Depeche Mode 3 times in less then a year. Amazing... I even had my first kiss to Depeche Mode. Actual, i have had lots of kisses to Depeche Mode. hehe. And lots more to come, im sure.
Not to mention. I sort of have a crush on Dave. Ok, im obsessed... i know... it's a little much. But who dosn't have a crush on David? Even men envy him. It dosnt take brains to figure out why so many people worship him.
It dosnt take a genius to realize that Depeche Mode is an amazing group. You dont't have to be a fan of electronic music to fall in love with them. They are true musican's. Including the ones who have come and gone. They have a sound anyone can, could and will enjoy.
So, to all you newbies. Welcome to Depeche Mode and enjoy. To all my Depeche Mode friends and fans. Get ready to rock out with your cocks out, because "THIS IS REAL FUN".