Brutality Earth is a band from the south ouest of France made in December 2007. In this band we can ear Mickael who play guitar, then Sébastien, who play bass guitar and sing and for finish we've got Jérémy who play drums. Brutality Earth take some inspiration from some very good hard metal bands like CHIMAIRA, SOILWORK, ARCH ENEMY and more...
Brutality Earth has been made with a commun passion of doing some sand to show everyone what they can do. For them three boys a like a dream come true.
From that time the band decide to go a head and to create some songs. As the times goes on with hours of very hard practice, the band decide to record a try.
With a loads of power from the base, some punchy sounds from the guitars and a drum very loud. Now fthe buand is recady to take is chance!
In November 2008 Jérémy decide to quit the band from a other one.