I am a clawdite from Zolan. I honed my skills among the Mabari, an ancient order of Zolan warrior knights. I achieved third level mastery in Mabari martial arts before fleeing Zolan for the megalopolitan world of Denon. Amidst the immense cities of that center of commerce, I made a name for myself as a corporate security sergeant and later, an executive bodyguard.
For more money, I left Denon to pursue a career in bounty hunting. I usually prefer to hunt alone, but I would occasionally team up with Jango Fett, a bounty hunter I met on Oovo IV while tracking down smuggler Bendix Fust. Once, after inadvertently delivering a deadly weapon into the hands of a known terrorist, Fett and I joined forces to prevent a planet-wide cataclysm. While not exactly close, the we shared a mutual respect for one another. I even introduced Jango's son, Boba, to reading.
Little did anyone know, I inhabit a gray zone that extents to both sides of the law. I am quite arrogant, highly skilled and feeling unchallenged by legal bodyguard and security work, I put Bounty Hunting as a more suitable channel for my superior talent.
As if you didn't know, shape-shifting takes effort. And ony through long practice I had learned to rest in a mimicked form. We do only have a limited range of shapes we can imitate often, but medical assistance enhances our abilities.
My discipline derives from the teachings of the JMabari, an ancient order of warrior knights on my homeworld. I wear Mabari inscroptions and stylized emblems, including a cape seal that is an ancient Mabari artifact.
.. You scored as Zam Wessel. Zam Wessel, the shape-shifting bounty hunter. She worked with Jango Fett to kill Senator Padme Amidala. After a failed attempt on the Senators life she fled, pursued by teenage Anakin Skywalker and his mentor Obi-wan Kenobi they traced her to a low class gambling club. Shape-shifting form to elude her would be captures she attacked the jedi, but was thwarted by the quick hand of Obi-wan having sensed her presence even after changing forms. During her interrogation while laying wounded she was shot by Jango Fett with a dart, killing her before she could give up any information.
Zam Wessel
Jango Fett
Boba Fett
Aurra Sing
What Star Wars Bounty Hunter Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com br Here are some pics of me posing:
Me in my natural form!