Layout Stealer by
Ginny is a fictonal character!heyya people!!! as ya'll all know my name is Ginny Molly Weasley (go me!) i have BRILLIANT parents- Arthur, me dad is the best! Mum, ALWAYS so supportive nd me broz up from da top: Bill Weasley, *sniff* he got bitten by a werewolf called greyback nd- well,hes the coolest nd if u think not get off me myspace! Charlie, hes in wuv wid dragons nd slaying them in ROMAINIA haffin fun! percy, uh yeh. nd hilarious Fred nd George! go to there joke shop!!!! nd LAST but totally not LEAST Ron Stoppable, i mena Weasley!;o} he loox out fer me (ur da GR8EST!) nd sumtymes over-protective nd funny!
so yah, i wuz in wuv wida special someone but we broke up becuz he sed Voldemort mite make me a hostale *wipes a tear* but it's ok.
I wuv to read, play quidditch, bug ron, hang wid Hermione, nd b wid me freinds!
nd if ur me m8 ill stick outfer u nd fite battle too, all becux i care:o]
nd dats me