Music, shooting pool, drinking, fishing, golf, and thanks to an exgirlfriend, golden-tee golf. Gadda do something after you beat everyone at pool.
Nice people.
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AFI, BadReligion, Pennywise, Guttermouth, NIN, J-Cash, Nirvana, KottonMouthKings, LedZepplin, PinkFloyd, Tool, Aperfectcircle, Stonedsour, Sublime, Redhotchillipeppers, Rev. Hortin Heat, Eminem, Korn, Greenday, Sum41, Offspring, Vandles, Dropkicks, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Rage against the machine, AudioSlave, RadioHead, 9-pound hammer, Vandles, BlackFlag, Rise Against, Theory of a deadman, and abunch of oldies music, gadda love that shit too.
Grandmas Boy, Boondock Saints, War Movies, Halfbaked, Mel Gibson movies, and funny movies are awsome too!
Southpark, Family Guy, 70s Show, 24, NCIS, Supernatural. Thats about it...
People that know how to drive.