Bad movies, volleyball, Muay Thai kickboxing, drinking, MMA, dancing, comic books, things that sound like lasers, and things that actually are lasers.
Jean Claude Van Damme.
Michael Jackson, anything inside my vocal range and also in a karaoke book. Actually, I like the ones outside my vocal range too. To be honest, I don't even know what a vocal range is.
Flash Gordon, The Warriors, From Dusk Til Dawn, Turkish remakes of American classics made with no money and Turksih production values, Things that star Mr. T or Jean Claude Van Damme doing the splits, poorly made celebrity workout videos.
Reality shows where they fuck with everyone or they're all has been celebrities or midgets or whatever.
I like heist novels, war comic books, and pamphlets about people who made 85 million dollars selling Amway and are waving from their yachts made out of gold-plated gold.
Why if we truly believe in ourself and trust in rainbows, boy oh boy, any of us could be a hero!