&drew profile picture


New breed, I'm the bad seed.

About Me


andrew jm.
my heart beats too fast
and i lose my breath..
once too many times a day "music is just a harmonious connection between all beings.."

Imagine a place, let everything come true.

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My Interests

the thought that i may never know just how many amazing books have been wirtten saddens me.. just because, i don't like to read. =/

I'd like to meet:

An·drew (n) defined by what i do:
the art and science of beauty; cosmetology
i'll stay golden.

i'm one of strangest creatures you'll ever lay eyes on. i have all the charactaristics of a human being, but my day to day life, has to be one you couldn't imagine.
imagine a place, what your dreams said..

now let everything come true.
i'll take you on a trip, to euphoria, and back. in one glance. so deep you might not even grasp it. it might fly right through your windows. but quite obviously, lies dormant in mine.

i'm like no one you'll meet,
in this city of lights..

i have this setting in my head.
my own little scenario of perfection, that I work everyday, for. hoping, and holding onto it.
nothing too complex, just me, you.. and our little world of things that do matter.

a boy can dream...


a boy can dream...


My Blog


 I've not met or been in the presence of someone who I've felt such strong vibes from,or thought I could gather so much from in a long time. Tonight I happened to cross paths with someone who was...
Posted by &drew on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 09:56:00 PST

not to crush all you believers, this is just a thought;

not to crush all you believers, this is just a thought;to keep it simple. we all startas a single celled micro organism.and like a seed will grow,a child will develop.what makes you’re any great...
Posted by &drew on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:13:00 PST


                        imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.1)http://profile.myspace.c...
Posted by &drew on Sun, 21 May 2006 02:31:00 PST

Q&A :]

you ask, i answer.niggas keep asking me if imma start one of these blogs.so i guess i will?read the shit though.i'm not going to repeat myself.-andrew
Posted by &drew on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 05:13:00 PST