About Me
He started at the Theater from an early age, participating in groups’ theatre DIF. within their community. He studied professional level is a graduate of the National School of Arts Theatre of INBA, CNA, México, D.F. Also took specialization courses in action at the Casa del Teatro AC., with teachers as Luis de Tavira, Rogelio Antonio Luévano Peñuñuri and Jorge Vargas, among others. As part of their training studied in workshops free, of the National School of Music singing and private tutors. It took refresher courses in action with the Hellenic Cultural Center Theater with theatre group Barcelona Nau, with the actress Yésika Walker and the group Odin Teatret, with the actress Iben Nagel. Also taken to specialized courses for the voice at the Casa del Teatro AC (home theater). Fencing applied to the theater in E.N.A.T. the I.N.B.A, with the teacher Octavio Moreno. November 2006, workshop comprehensive "Le Corps In-Jeu" with the group's Franco-Mexican "Theatre of the Windâ€, with actor Julien Legargasson. January 2007 workshop/curse with the manager Agustin Meza of company of theatre "The Ghetto".Intensive course butoh dance with the teacher Makiko Tominaga, CENART.
ActivityAuthor and researcher in educational processes artistic, levels in preschoolers. Professor and author of "Theater and body expression" applied to children level maternal and Child preschool stays in the ISSSTE. Coordinator of the workshops within the Music Department building artistic IPN Coordinator, Professor of workshops and creative arts courses for summer in the Gardens of children "Cedars." Workshops on artistic pedagogy, for teachers presenting the paper "Theatre for early childhood education" in the DIF, Coordinator of the house of culture Iztacalco "7 Barrios" Holder in the field of Theatre in the "Centro Universitario Atizapán." Jury qualifier for contests Theatre School, secondary level of the S.E.P., I.N.B.A. Jury qualifier in contests Theatre I.P.N. Holder of Music courses in child development centres Gymboree.CareerNovember-August 2005-2006, Lyon France, I participate giving voice training for actors and actress with groups like Theatre Tequio Mexico and the group Franco a Mexican “Theatre windâ€. / Eugenia León 2002-2001 / Pablo Milanes, "Forever CRI-CRI" and "Accomplice" Performance and production costume, National Auditorium Dir. Jesusa Rodriguez. / Assistant Production "St. Joan of slaughterhouses" DIR. Luis de Tavira Julio Castillo Theatre from October to April, / Musical "Carnival of Death" 1 and November 2 / MUSICAL 2000-2001 " DON TIERROTE DON AND HIS SANCHO LUNA" author and Director Andres Garcia Barrios Seasons Theatre July Prieto and Julio Castillo November , March, April. / 1999 MUSICAL "Calaca" Hugo Arguelles sharp Telmex Dir. Regina tornado. / 1997 MUSICAL "Despres of the pluja" (After the Rain) Sergei Berbel DIR. Ricardo Ramirez ram Salvador Novo Theatre CNA August-October / “Removal" Dir. Luis de Tavira Salvador Novo Theatre's C. N.A., E.N.AT. Season, March, June. Among other.Television and cinema
CHANNEL 11 I.P.N. Conduction of music competitions I.P.N. Cultural Dissemination. U.T.E. Unit educational television, pilot program. / ARGOS Telemundo, CHANNEL 40 Telenovela "or Red Face." / Programmer communities Pilot program "City Stories" Dir. Antonio Serrano. / November 2006 short Gomorrah, De Fernando Delgado, production: black clouds and centers, Design-cinema-television. / Short "Speeches of Memory" Dir. Sem Asher. E.N.A.P. / U.A.M. Advertising on TV