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About Me

Get Your Own! | View SlideshowThe names Francheska. I'm Puerto Rican and Dominican...yes,best of both worlds. I'm from the Bronx, NY but currently reside in Poinciana,FL. I'm 20 year oldimma April baby. I am taken by my first love. 3 My advice to you is::: find out the whole story before u judge our relationship :) I love Pepsi!!!&& Starbucks Java Chip frappichino...yumm. I hate drama so I try hard to stay away from it...but trust me, u will hear different. I'm a loving and affectionate person...but not appear to be at first. && most important...God, my family, and my friends...3 They're everything I need and more. :)

My Interests

Chilllin with friends, talking on the phone, music, dancing, shopping, scrapbooking, photography, reading.
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Hip Hop and R&B, Reggae,Salsa, Merengue, and Bachata.


I love action, romance, and comedy.
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Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Friends, Law and Order SVU, CSI, America's Next Top Model, Passions...
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My father up above and my mother