{ g e o r g i a } was created with the idea that beauty should be of the earth and as such, natural. It is our goal to make accessible a line that adheres to this principle. So what follows is pure logic.
Our debut product is the most natural soap we believe possible. It is our Organic Bathing Bar. It is hand crafted by the women in the villages of Ghana and imported here to the United States under the Fair Trade guidelines. Ghanaian women follow their centuries old recipe in a time-consuming, ancient art. Traditionally the soap is referred to as African Black Soap.
Our soap is not to be confused with the mass produced bars that are often marketed as African Black Soaps, such as those commonly found in beauty marts and discount chains. A simple look at the ingredients will show you the difference. Further, if the soap is actually black you can almost bet dye was used to make it that color.
Traditional African Black Soap does has a brownish color and does darken once wet, but is not black per say. The origin of the soap will also determine the color as the ingredients range slightly from region to region in Africa.
The beauty of this bar is truly in its simplicity. There are only four ingredients (water, cocoa pods, plantain skins, palm oil) that make up this bar, it is the process that makes it a creation of love and care. The soul of this bar is reflected in the results. This soap is loaded in vitamins A & E and can be used for the face, body, and hair.
This soap has been known to clear skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, as well as acne, blemishes, reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles, balance skin tones, and is gentle enough for a newborn’s skin.
When you order our Organic Bathing Bar you are getting more than just a packaged bar of soap, you’re receiving life. Our soaps are packaged in cotton paper that is seeded. This means that even if you merely throw away the wrapper it will bring beauty in its demise. At the landfill it will grow beautiful wildflowers. Or you can plant the paper as you would a seed and start your own garden. This treeless paper contains seeds from Bird’s Eye, Clarkia, Plains Coreopsis, Corn Poppy, Catchfly, and the Spurred Snap Dragon!