[email protected]What up killa's and Ninjas world wide in the Hatchet Family. What your looking at is my fresh ass profile, if you don't like it then dont look at it!!
Yeah I'm a down ass FKN Juggalo residing in the tiny little corner of the Globe we call New Zealand, who's about to school the shit out Louis Vitton Cup and win the Americas Cup back to its rightfull home, AAHHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!. Never the less, I am here on the shire and I'm fixin to get off it and meet some Family, I was fixing a trip up to Canada for some A-Class life changing experiences with a hook up to the 07 Gathering in August, but financial difficulties cut that bitch right in half. BUT!... I have a plan....yes....a deliciously secret plan. NO I aint tellin anyone shit!, most of you locals enjoy nothing more then to flap your lips about other peoples shit. Fuck OFF!
I think if you wanna catch more of me you should be tuning into The Funhouse with UpChuck The Clown & Andrea the Intern on WFuckOffRadio.com I call this ninja almost every week coz they fuckin love me and It gives me the chance to say whats up to all you ninjas out there.
dont be so damn afraid to msg me or anything, I aint gonna fuckin hurt you for nothing :P
Friend: Calls your parents "Mr." or "Mrs."
Juggalo: Call your parents "Mom" or "Dad."
Friend: Has never seen you cry.
Juggalo: Has the best shoulder to cry on.
Friend: Asks you for your number.
Juggalo: Asks you for their number.
Friend: Will leave you hanging to be with a crowd.
Juggalo: Always has your back.
Friend: Runs for help in a fight.
Juggalo: Jumps in the fight to help.
Friend: Will bail your stale ass out of Jail.
Juggalo: Will be sittin' right next to you saying "That was fucking awesome!"
Friend: Will help you move out of a house.
Juggalo: Will help you move a dead body out of the house.
Friend: Bums you a cigarette
Juggalo: Bums you his last pack
Friend: Is there when you need them
Juggalo: Is there even when you dont need them
Friend: Gets drunk at a party and pukes on your carpet
Juggalo: Feels worse than you do about puking on your carpet in the morning
Friend: Hides you from the cops
Juggalo: Is probably the reason the cops are after you in the first place
Friend: Lets you make an ass out of yourself in public
Juggalo: Is up there with you making an ass out of themselves too
Friend: Likes you cause your always doing stupid shit
Juggalo: Loves you even though you do stupid shit
Friend: Is shocked to find out your actually gay
Juggalo: Already knew but really could care less
Friend: Doesn't tell anyone if you kill the guy who tried to kill you
Juggalo: Helped you kill that asshole
Friend: Comes with you to your moms funeral
Juggalo: Cries with you at your moms funeral
Friend: Tells you when his parents doesnt want him to hang out with you any more
Juggalo: Laughs in his parents faces for saying that
Friends: Fade
Juggalos: Are 4 Ever
Thanks to all the Fam out there. I fuckin love ya'll - MCL