Name: Robynnnn
Birthday: Aprillllll 8thhhhh
Birthplace: A Hospitalllllll
Current Location: Liverpoooool
Eye Color: Blueeeeeeeee
Hair Color: Brownnnn an Blondeee
Height: Normallll
Right Handed or Left Handed: Leftyyyyyyy
Your Heritage: Wa ?
The Shoes You Wore Today: Wedgesss
Your Weakness: Alchoholllllllllll haha
Your Fears: Dogss Spiiiderrss Cattssss
Your Perfect Pizza: Ermmmm Dont Reallliii Likee Piiizzaaa
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Illl Tell You Whenn I Achivee ittttt haha.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: KUNT! haha
Thoughts First Waking Up: Schoooooooool :@ haha.
Your Best Physical Feature: Eyesssssss
Your Bedtime: Weneverr im tiredd
Your Most Missed Memory: Infantssssss
Pepsi or Coke: Cokkee
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
Single or Group Dates: Bothhh
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nonne!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilllaaaa
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Do you Smoke: No
Do you Swear: Yeah
Do you Sing: Yeah haha
Do you Shower Daily: Yerrr
Have you Been in Love: Ermm Ye
Do you want to go to College: Yerr
Do you want to get Married: Sumdayy
Do you get Motion Sickness: Dunooo ?
Do you think you are Attractive: Y Nott ? Mesin Noo :)
Are you a Health Freak: Nooo
Do you get along with your Parents: Yeaa
Do you like Thunderstorms: Noooo
Do you play an Instrument: Nooo
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yerrr
In the past month have you Smoked: Noo
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Noo
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Dependss wa ya meeeen haha
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Town ? Yeaah!
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Waaaa ?
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: EEEEEEEEEEEE NO! Vile :)
In the past month have you been on Stage: Alweys amm haha oni mesn
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No
Ever been Drunk: Yerrr
Ever been called a Tease: Yerr
Ever been Beaten up: No
Ever Shoplifted: No
How do you want to Die: In My Sleeep
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: WAGGGGGGGG :) haha
What country would you most like to Visit: St Lucia
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Blueee , Brownn, Greenn not reallyy botherrrd
Short or Long Hair: Shorttt
Height: Talller than meee
Weight: Normal Not Fat Thoo
Best Clothing Style: Long As E Lukss Gorgeoussssss ;)
Number of Drugs I have taken: waaaa ?
Number of CDs I own: Tooo Mannyyy
Number of Piercings: 2
Number of Tattoos: 1
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 0
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