About Me
I Drink Windex,suck the eyes out of new born puppies,buy porn for children,set homeless people on fire,have no regard for spelling and/or grammer,not above kicking your niece in the box,will soak a sirloin in anti-freeze and feed it to your dog, leave the house only to kill,refer to my stalking as "remote love", steal those little white crosses and wreaths from the side of the highway,club babies,steal mothers allowance cheques,i'm who your girlfiend thinks about when your fucking,hate the blind,steal wheelchairs,beat the fuck out of every amish person I see,have a recipe for hate,taste it! leave the seat up,carry a copy of Catcher in the Rye at all times,trample the elderly,sodomize the dead,prey on the weak,leave my cell phone on in the theatre,laugh at severe burn victims,pick fights with block parents,lure little kids into my white van,put razor blades in candy apples,expose myself to invalids,go outside in my socks,shit bricks,cum blood,snort kerosine,play the drums like a motherfucker,can eat my weight in taquitos,have penis that is 2" long but 58" wide (it looks like a sewer lid made of meat),have my pancreas pierced,worship at the alter of Col.Harland Sanders,pissed on Elvis' grave,deep fry everything,run with scissors,live la vida loca,heckle pan handlers,vomit from the balcony,put turpintine on my cats asshole,killed Johnny cash,if i die before i wake i'll go to hell for heavens sake,mix paper and plastic,egg cop cars,spit in your boyfriends food,put ruffies in my own drink and wait to be taken advantage of,feed alkaseltzer to seagulls,eat vegans,shit in OTHER peoples pants, started playing rock and roll for the sole purpose of loading, unpacking and packing gear...