Wassup MYSPACE! my name is Tiffany, im 20 years oLd. i stay in LA CaLifornia i work at CoLiseum ELementary. i have NO chiLdren. My skiLLs are (dance. poetry. and communication) i attend United FeLLowship Church Home where my brother Marcus Bass is pastor. i wanted to start off with a brief discription about myseLf. now im here to Let you peopLe knoe that im a chiLd of GOD and theres NOTHING man can do to harm me. tha bibLe says that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER. (how many beLieve that)?? yea so do i. but how can i beLieve when there is no faith. WHATS FAITH? faith is substanced of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. WHERE DOES FAITH COMES FROM?? tha bibLe says in ROMANS 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing and hearing tha word of god. (and it aLso says) in HEBREWS 11:1 but without faith it is impossibLe to pLease him. For he that cometh to god must beLieve that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diLegentLy seek him. (then it says) inn JAMES 1:3 and 6 [3]knoing that the testing of your faith produces patience. [6]but Let him ask in faith, with NO DOUBTING, for he who doubts is Like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.*ME AND ARiEL