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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a music artist, producer and managing director. i am building and manage facilities, global market products, and i am working from time to time at the rhein-main airport frankfurt rhein-main, germany. Since the us army reduced their people in germany, my job is to working in a lot of activities for future in the economicy with different people in the worldwide management.since three years ago, i am working also for the music label orphilus recordings. we are making music and preparing market places for people who are interesting in new and classical music and we are composing and create mostly these artwork and products.1991-1997, i was mixing records and i began as a barkeeper in the club dorian gray at the rhein main airport (closed 2001 in frankfurt, later as a new club in berlin). Between the years 2006-2007 i am presented my erotic and porn disco in the club for-swing at the city buettelborn-worfelden (a village in the south-west region of frankfurt rhein-main)websites from my label orphilus recordings: (ORP4) (ORP3) (ORP2 (ORP1) can listen in my music on by handyphone, radiostations, mp3-Player, in the car, the disco/club, or for citywalking, aerobic or dancing acts with reanimation or easy listening only. The full songs you can get in different shops like musicload, i-tunes, aol-music, msn-music, virgin-digital and many more worldwide.I like music, people, dancing and good parties, but there must be dark, mysterious and there must be blowing the shit in mind outside, if you know what i mean.Please notice that this profile is not my personal profile. I do not have a myspace account in my privacy.

the official artist website:
Dorian Gray Zeitmaschine

Dieses Video zeigt jeweils einen Rundgang im Dorian Gray (Frankfurt Main Flughafen). Einmal aus der Zeit wo es noch existierte sowie vier Jahre nach der Schließung. Das Dorian Gray war einzigartig. Unvergessen die Samstags Nächte mit Phil Matthew, Torsten Fenslau, DJ Dag und den vielen anderen.

Phil Matthew Reflection video
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (pornsport edit version)

Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (pornsport edit version) taken from the Label Compilation - Popo Pop (ORP4) produced by Orphilus Recordings, Dreieich

Phil Matthew - Angel Valley (Music Video)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people, music lover and animals who do not eat me. :)nbsp;

My Blog

Sexual Therapy | Dear Deidre | Sex Therapy | The Sun |Deidre|SexTherapy Therapy | Dear Deidre | Sex Therapy | The Sun |Deidre|SexTherapy
Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 22:18:00 GMT

Phil Matthew LIVE in UPMIX at the New Morning Bar Frankfurt/Main

My label Orphilus Recordings and YoursBars FFM, dated an Event (Afterour) in the NewMorning Bar (Rahmhofstraße4) Frankfurt, on Friday Night, the 14th of Nobember 2008at 2:00 and saturday, the 15th for...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Nov 2008 12:09:00 GMT