I'm Such A Dork profile picture

I'm Such A Dork

A 1,000 miles seems very far but they've got planes and trains and cars I'd walk to you if I had no

About Me

Alright so my name is Alvin and soy un medio Chicano (that means I'm one half Chicano{mexican in Cali}) from my mom and my father is Scottish, Irish, Blackfoot Indian, and Cherokee Indian. So what does that make me you say, Fucking Awesome!!! thats what, no but really I'm a mutt. I look beanery though.(Yes beanery is too a word). And I'm fucking proud of it. I have an awesome sense of humor and make people laugh...I wonder why?...I take my hobbies and pride in Martial Arts[Shaolin Chuan-Fa{Kempo}](pssst I'm a Ninja), playing video games, listening to music, being a FanFuckingTastic friend, comedic activities and talents, creating art with my bare hands, and a crap load of other things that I feel I am too lazy to mention...well naww you can just ask me... ..
Layout Pimper.com

My Interests

I love to shoot things, like paint balling, ummm...playing games, teaching people random things, being a smart ass, going to the movies and the mall and fucking around, and having a great time with my loved ones.
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I'd like to meet:

Anyone whos fun loving!


Everything, especially if it sounds good to me.This song Kicks Ass right Now!.. width="425" height="350" ..Dude Bitchen Song and CG... width="425" height="350" ..This Song Is My Lil' Story Except I Look More Like A Ninja. LOL Its Hilarious.. width="425" height="350" ..


Like I said everything, as long as its a good movie. Comedies, Action, Romantic Comedies, Hell even a good Tear Jerker, Horror, and all those other good movies. I like, very nice!Me and my group of friends made this and its not the first one either..If you liked it, add them! The TwoFlugaMafia .


The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, Scrubs, South Park, Avatar, Metalocalypse, basically all of Adult Swim, Sponge Bob, and a bunch of other Cartoons. Also, House, Bones, CSI, and a crap load of other shows on FOX and crap.


I loves me a good book, Romiet and Julio, Poems from Edgar Allan Poe, Tim Burton, and some other melancholy stuff. Books about martial arts and various others. books that tend to match my personality. Zombie Survival Guide.


My family, Spider-Man, and all who strive to see me do well and inspire me, ohh yeah and Jesus, he's pretty cool. I'm TESTICLEUS. Oops I wasn't supposed to reveal that now you must di...I mean forget, yes forget *sinister yet suave laugh*

My Blog

This Magic Moment

This magic moment, so different and so newWas like any other until I kissed youAnd then it happened, it took me by surpriseI knew that you felt it too, by the look in your eyesSweeter than wineSofter ...
Posted by I'm Such A Dork on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:48:00 PST


PLOSION!!!!!!! Yeah thats just about it. I still am happy though. I'm glad I found happiness in despair. I'm just one big fucking pile of love aren't  I!?! I love you, thank you fo...
Posted by I'm Such A Dork on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:48:00 PST

Part 2: Judith is a thief ;-)

We watch the seasonPull up it's own stakesAnd catch the last weekendOf the last weekBefore the gold and the glimmer have been replacedAnother sun soaked season fades awayYou have stolen my heartYou ha...
Posted by I'm Such A Dork on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:53:00 PST

Part 1: So wont you kill me. You meant it.

Breathe in for luck,breathe in so deep,this air is blessed,you share with me.This night is wild,so calm and dull,these hearts they race,from self control.Your legs are smooth,as they graze mine,we're ...
Posted by I'm Such A Dork on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:25:00 PST

Return To Me

Return to meOh my dear I'm so lonelyHurry back, hurry backOh my love hurry back I'm yoursReturn to meFor my heart wants you onlyHurry home, hurry homeWon't you please hurry home to my heartMy darling,...
Posted by I'm Such A Dork on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 11:12:00 PST

Rush of Awesomeness

Well I gotta go to work soon but all I have to say is today rocked. I went with my girlfriend to the mov ies at the regal along with two other chick friends of ours, then to top the whole day off we w...
Posted by I'm Such A Dork on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 10:37:00 PST

pew pew pew pew pew pew pew!

Well I fell so awesome right now I feel like Gozirra and could I desteroy Tokyo ultimate smash monster battle epic scene...pew pew pew pew pew pew pew...woahh I got a lil carried away and fobbish for ...
Posted by I'm Such A Dork on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 01:29:00 PST

FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

I feel so weird right now I don't know whether I should punch something, scream, cry, or what the hell ever. I wanna punch some thing because I feel pissed at my gf's parents because they are making h...
Posted by I'm Such A Dork on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 09:26:00 PST


I just added a new song to my profile that makes me feel a little better about coping with the fact that Cortney is going to be leaving tomorrow maybe. Don't pay attention to the lyrics...you can...it...
Posted by I'm Such A Dork on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 12:02:00 PST


Aww man Cortney my girlfriend is leaving to go to Idaho and I'm gonna miss her soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. When she comes back I'm gonna have the betstestessseterestmoresterest day with h...
Posted by I'm Such A Dork on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 11:53:00 PST