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About Me

"If only God can judge us...then why do we live life like he wont?" ____________________________________________________________ ___Yo! What's good ppl? Well, after a little hiatus, I am beginning the work on my solo CD. Be on the lookout for it, and for further details...GOD IS GOOD MyGen Profile Generator___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________ God definitely took this sinner and made him a winner. If you know me, I mean really know me then you probably know all of this. But most of you who only know "of me" or think you know me, probably don't truly know me like this. So forget what you might have heard about me being a drug head, or a bum, etc. That is the old me and I will set the record straight for everybody who's interested. I got high for the first time at the age of 15, and shortly there after, I guess I was about 15 or 16 I was running the streets as a middle man for most of the weed sales that took place in Lake Arthur, LA. By the time I was 17 'till about 21 or so, our little clique of "street hustlas" pretty much had the weed trade sewed up and you either got weed from us, or the brothas. I used to sell drugs at school, skip classes and go get high in the woods or behind the gym or band room with friends, there were very few days that I even went to school as it was, but there were even fewer that I went to school without some way to get high on me. In fact, it would be easier for me to tell you the drugs I haven't done as opposed to the ones I have done. Because of this, by the time I was 24 or so my mind was really feeling the effects. Well, truthfully I won't sugar coat it, I was seriously going crazy, and losing my touch on reality. I couldn't enjoy my buzz because I would honestly hear voices in my head when I would get high. And the truth that I now know is that those were voices of demons that I had allowed to take root through my own disobedience to God. See, I was raised in church so realistically I found ways to justify getting high. I used to say stuff like "God put weed on this earth for us to use" and would even quote that scripture from Genesis that says "I give you all the seed bearing plants and herbs to use." And boy did we use them. I mean, from the time I was about 15 until about 25, I took pride in the fact that I could count the days that I had not been high without having to use all ten fingers. Even if that scripture from Genesis were true, and we were correctly interpreting it, we were always getting high on other man made substances as well, so are justification argument didn’t hold water. It's funny how we will justify the sin that we are not ready to give to God so that we can keep it in our lives. In fact, some of my old friends are still justifying it to this day. But I am getting off topic, the point is I knew deep down even while justifying the sin in my life that it was not right in God's eyes. So, one day while working in Beaumont, TX with a certain seismograph crew, I had an ounce of weed in my room and decided to play hooky to go to the hotel room and get high. But God had another idea for my life. The guy who gave me a ride back to the hotel room was a Pentecostal man, and just began to witness to me, and God showed up. As I said, I had been raised in church, but my disobedience mixed with the devil's lies had me so confused and deceived that I truthfully had a lot of questions that needed answering. But every time that I would have a question on the tip of my tongue ready to ask the guy, he would answer it immediately. I mean as soon as the question could formulate in my mind he would answer the question, even if that meant he had to completely change the topical thread of the conversation. And to those of you who know me best, the true miracle is the fact that I didn't get to speak at all. But all jokes aside, God's Holy Spirit just showed up in a mighty way, and I went into the hotel flushed the whole ounce of weed, and gave my life to the Lord. Well, I went and tried to live back in Lake Arthur, and all was going well for about a year or so, but eventually, just being around those old influences was just too much peer pressure and what not, and after a while my initial zeal of being a new creation wore off. (NOTE: The Bible says, "Good company corrupts good character". So see we cannot always give our life to God and just stay where we are at physically. Sometimes, we have to get out of certain areas, and away from certain friends and influences. It can be a really hard thing to do, but it's like a former prisoner who wants to do well, but then ends up back in prison because he has gone right back to the same streets and same friends that made it so easy for him to get into the stuff that sent him to prison in the first place. NEW CHRISTIANS, WE HAVE TO COME OUT FROM AMONG THE WORLD WHEN WE GET SAVED. Sometimes that is easier said than done. But again I digress, back to the point at hand) So one night while visiting, and reminiscing with an old drinking buddy, I decided I was going to go to the bar, but only to shoot pool I told myself I wasn't going to drink, but after being in the midst of the bar, hearing the music, and being around that same old familiar spirit, I finally told myself "Well, I will only drink one beer and that will be that" Unfortunately by the end of the night, I was drunk and high and thus started my backsliding. Through it all I thank the Lord for my Mom; she never stopped praying, even going so far as to leave TBN (The Christian Channel) playing at night I guess in hopes that something would change. Well, one night that same old drinking buddy and I went out to a bar and to sum it up, some huge guy sucker punched me, and basically kicked my butt. Well that night as I was coming in the door all beaten up and bloody, my mom had left the Christian channel on again and Benny Hinn was on. As I closed the door Benny Hinn said "There is a young man coming in from the bar tonight, you have been in a fight and are beaten up badly and you are even doubting whether there is a God or not, but the Holy Spirit is using me right now to tell you God does exist and He loves you more than you can ever imagine" I fell on my face right there, and gave my life to the Lord and I have never been the same. And I know that I am never going back...ever. I now live in Eunice (I had to get away from those that I eventually want to help to get out of that mess as well see note from above) I went to college at LSU-E and made the Chancellor's list every semester except two, graduating with a 3.78 GPA. I own my own 3 bedroom, 2 bath trailer, completely paid off, and now God has opened the doors for me to do Christian rap music and help take back the radio waves, television, and most importantly the youth.GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIMEIt doesn't matter how you come to him just come to him. He is all you will ever possibly need.

My Interests


Member Since: 30/08/2007
Influences: I have been writing poems and spoken word since I was about 13, and have been freestyling since about 17. Before I was a Christian I used to freestyle all the time, but when I got saved, I kind of forgot about the love for it I used to have and kind of buried it. Realistically, I didn't think God could use my gift. In fact I had heard "so called" Christian rap growing up, but it was always some corny youth pastor with whack rhymes somewhere trying to be hip or relate, and failing miserably. But when I went to a KJ52/Superchick concert and started to discover some of the non-whack, un-corny artists out there guys like: Lecrae, Flame, Cross Movement, T-Bone etc. the passion I had for it was rekindled. I prayed that if God could use it open up the doors. Two days later I met Big 5 and Da C.A.M.P., showed them some of my rhymes, and the rest was God doing what He does. So as far as musically, these are some of the guys who really inspire and encourage me:========================================================= ============================================================ ============================================================ ====================First and foremost the Holy Spirit I do not write anything without praying that the Spirit would speak through me first. ============================================================ =============== Big 5 and Da C.A.M.P. ____________________________________________________________ _ BK a.k.a. Book Knowledge _______________________________________________________ Will Addison ______________________________________________________ Big Duke _________________________________________________________ LA Will ___________________________________________________________ Mighty 30 ________________________________________________________ Levy ____________________________________________________________ Crucified Christian ___________________________________________________________ Lecrae ___________________________________________________________ Flame ___________________________________________________________ Tedashi ____________________________________________________________ _ Trip Lee __________________________________________________________ The Minista ____________________________________________________________ ___ Group 1 Crew _____________________________________________________ Prime Minista _______________________________________________________ Gospel Gangstas ___________________________________________________ Grits ____________________________________________________________ T-Bone ____________________________________________________________ _ Ill Harmonics ______________________________________________________ Willie Will _________________________________________________________ Da Ambassador ___________________________________________________ Runaway _________________________________________________________ Cross Movement ________________________________________________________ R-Swift ____________________________________________________________ Manafest _________________________________________________________ Lingo ____________________________________________________________ __ LAW Click and many many more. ============================================================ ============================================================ ==============================Wow, kind of extensive right, but there are much too many to list. Bottom line, I love Christian rap so if it is anointed and the RIGHT Spirit is in it then it encourages and influences and inspires me.And if I left your name off please forgive me and please keep inspiring me and praying for me to do God's work. One Word, One Truth, One Love, & One Way Jesus King of Kings! Peace!
Sounds Like:

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Considering a change of scenery (Tucson, AZ)

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My Testimony

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"Where’d you get your "Name" from?"

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