A disease or anything resembling a disease; attacking or affecting many individuals in a community or a population ...
Coming to you with no money, but a whole lot of fucking attitude, we’re The Aftertastes. We’re a five person street punk band, one of the few ones in PA. We swear a lot, smoke a lot, and play a lot. We’re looking to set up a summer tour, so if you’re looking for a good punk band to play a local venue in your city, message us. We’ll be more than tickled to play for you fellow fuck ups. We just need booking information. We have more originals written than what is up currently. We just don’t have the money or equipment to record them. We’re constantly writing songs. We’re self managed, and it’s working out fine. We’re fuck ups in the eyes of society, but it all good, because society looks pretty fucked up to us. We have one simple rule, if you don’t like our music, our looks, our attitudes, or our political veiws, don’t tell us. We don’t care. But other than that, talk to us, and we’ll talk back.
Background from Google search result