....3animation ,i like going to shows, friends houses and other random places at all hours of the night. I'm really into photography, all kinds. I'm the absolute biggest fan of The Bravery... because i am I talk a lot, in person and out, so there isn't a whole lot of boredom there.... God, yeah... God is great..... Um You'd just have to know me to know what you want to know about me.... I couldn't type everything in words... I'm complicated ......what makes you think i wont cut chu?!
David Choe Your score on this personality test was 65%
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
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..theframes sunkilmoon bonnieprincebilly coandca actionreaction...many many many, like, undescribable amounts of more!
Bongwater,Once,TankGirl,MovingMcallister,Paprika,SlidingDoor s,TaleofTwoSisters,SuicideClub,RulesofAttraction,ScienceofSl eep,VforVendetta,LettersfromIwoJima,AmericanZeitgeist,CloseE ncountersofthe3rdKind,SpiritedAway,PrincessMononoke,MyNeighb orTotoro,ha.WallaceandGrommit....and many many more...lol
I read any and everything. Suggestions welcomed.
Tank Girl.... and Eddie Izzard myself... hah