Hey,I'm here!!!Margin is here!!!What I love??? many...
I love my mom!I love my dad!I love my grandpa!I love my grandma!I love my cousins!I love my uncles!I love..(STOP~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)ok..
Except for all of those relationships(including the people in suspension points), I also love my friends!I couldn't live a happy life without them.So, thanks & hug!
Music is another thing that has accompanied me since I was born.At the very start,0-15 years old,I always listened to the symphonies.After that,16-17 years old,I listened pop.And now,I enjoy rock music,and symphonies still.
I'm single.Surely it's not my purpose...hehe :p
I have a balanced disposition intermediate between extroversion and introversion.I'm a restless child at home but a incredible quiet girl outside.
I live in university dorm on weekdays,live at home at weekend.The bed in dorm is sooooooooooooooo poor...It always with a crunching noise...
My dad doesn't allow me to bring my laptop to university.I know what he worried about.Cuz the door latch is unreliable.Even me can wrench the door open without key.we won't even mention robbers...
So my cellphone becomes my whole life in university.I surf the net time to time with my N81.(If I have enough money,I'd prefer an Iphone...)
So I'm available everyday!!!