The band formed after TJ carried 5 queen sized mattresses back from a motel 1/2 mile away from the apartment, by himself... on his head. Which they then built into a vocal booth. The band has since moved on to recording in real studios so the mattresses are now used to absorb sound in the recording studios and one is actually used for filming a low-budget indie film called "Bukkake Party"
The band is comprised of vocalist/strings player TJ, who directs and acts in low budget "art" films on the side.
Andy Hill is the second string player, and one of the best damn players alive. A high profile columnist once stated "You shouldn't 'uh dun dat, he's just a boy" when AHill played so hard, and so enthusiastically that a young boy dropped dead in shock.
Brett Carpenter lays down the rhythms and hits the drums so damn hard that the practice space is littered with PA speakers/monitors just so that the band can hear themselves over the drums.
The band just released their first EP, Self Confessions and Love Professions.
The Primal Call: Hexagon Bar 3-6-08
Dr. Jekyll / Maddam Hyde What's Up Lounge 1-25-08
Live on Letterman Hexagon Bar 3-6-08