ISLAM: Religion of Peace profile picture

ISLAM: Religion of Peace

About Me

In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.

"Allah does not look at your body and face; rather he looks at your heart."
Prayer can be performed anywhere and everywhere.
Purification Before Salaat
Islam encourages cleanliness. To ensure this is preformed, it is mandatory that your body and clothing be clean before performing your salaat. Your prayer will not be valid unless your body and clothing are clean. Clothing must be considered tahir and removed of all impurities. Impurities include blood, urine, and excrement.
Water Restrictions
The following water only, is permissible for Wudu. Natural water such as rain, lakes, rivers (any moving water) and tap water. Only in the following situation are you permitted to perform prayer while your body or clothing is najis (dirty). If you are injured and the body becomes dirty and it is difficult to wash the clothing or body. If you do not know that your body or clothing is najis (dirty), and after the Salaat you realizes it. If you have made wudu and should come in contact with blood that is less then the size of the tip of your thumb. Someone is helpless and must pray with a najis body or clothing; for example, one does not have water to clean the clothing or body.


Minor Impurities and the Purification Method
The purifying of your body is called wudu. The passing of excrement, gas, urine, vomiting, bleeding, touching of sexual organs without clothing, falling into a deep sleep, and laughing loudly during salaat can all break your wudu. Once wudu is preformed and not broken you may perform multiple prayers. Here are some instructions to follow for performing wudu.
To perform Wudu you should first make the intention (Niyyat) to perform Wudu. Call upon Allah at the start of Wudu by saying Bismillah.
Wash the hands 3 times up to the wrists with water, allowing water to run between the fingers.
Rinse the mouth with water three times.
Clean the nostrils by sniffing water in then out 3 times.
Clean the face 3 times from the top of the forehead down to the chin and from ear to ear.
Wash the arms three times, from the elbows right arm first, then left.
Moisten the hands and pass them over the head from the forehead to the back of the hairline, and from there back to the forehead.
Wipe the earlobes with the fore-fingers cleaning the inside of the ears and the thumbs cleaning the external side.
Wash both feet beginning with the right foot up to the ankles allowing the water to run between each toe.


Major Impurities and the Purification Method
To remove major impurities from your body, you are required to perform Ghusl, or a full shower. The following acts require Ghusl. The emission of fluids from male or female sexual organs, menstruations, sexual intercourse, masturbation, child birth.
To perform Ghusl you should combine the procedures of Wudu to maximize the level of purity.
Begin with clean flowing water, stand or squat in the water. Do not sit in the water.
Make the intention (Niyyat Ghusl) to perform Ghusl.
Wash the hands 3 times up to the wrists with water, allowing water to run between the fingers.
Wash private areas with the left hand.

Wash the hands again 3 times up to the wrists with water, allowing water to run between the fingers.

Rinse the mouth with water three times.
Clean the nostrils by sniffing water in then out 3 times.
Clean the face 3 times from the top of the forehead down to the chin and from ear to ear.
Wash the arms three times, from the elbows right arm first, then left.
Moisten the hands and pass them over the head from the forehead to the back of the hairline, and from there back to the forehead.
Wipe the earlobes with the fore-fingers cleaning the inside of the ears and the thumbs cleaning the external side.
Pour water over your head 3 times. then over right and then left side of body three times. The entire body should become wet leaving nothing dry.
Wash both feet beginning with the right foot up to the ankles allowing the water to run between each toe.
Tayammum and the Purification Method
Islam is formatted to adapt to many circumstances that may occur. One such circumstance is not having water available to perform purification. If no water, water that is contaminated, or if water is very scarce you are allowed to perform a dry purification called Tayammum.
Make intention (Niyyat Tayammum) to perform Tayammum.
Begin by saying Bismillah.
Gently pat the palms of your hands on pure sand or gravel.
Blow off remaining dust then gently wipe hands across face.
Pat hands on ground gently and blow off the dust.
Wipe the right hand up to the elbow then repeat with the left arm.

My Interests

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“He who believes in God and the Day of Judgment should either say a good word or remain silent.” (Saheeh Muslim)

My Blog

Want to Learn the 99 Names of Allah?

If you want to learn the 99 Names of Allah, go to this website. It’s very good and I find it easy to use. If you have questions, please ask.
Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 21:30:00 GMT

The Story of Salaat

The general meaning of Salaat is a supplication from man to Lord. This meaning implies that Salaat is a connection between man and his Creator. Entering into the state of Salaat simply means establish...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 14:35:00 GMT

The Importance of Education in Islam

  The Importance of Education in Islam To seek knowledge is a sacred duty, it is obligatory on every Muslim, male and female. The first word revealed of the Qur'an was "Iqra" READ! Seek knowled...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 20:13:00 GMT

Purity of Intentions: Part 2

Purity of Intentions: Part 2The Arabic term riya' is roughly translated as "showing off," which means doing something to please others or to gain their approval and admiration, instead of focusing on ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 12:31:00 GMT

Purity of Intentions: Part 1

Purity of IntentionsPart IBy Dr. Jamal BadawiThe Arabic term ikhlas literally means purity, which is used in the Qur'an to refer to various things. For example, a verse mentions the purity of milk: (W...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 12:30:00 GMT

Backbiting in Islam

Sometimes we don't even realise it. You're just chatting away with your friends and you begin to talk about somebody else. Our whole lives are based around 'Home and Away' and 'Neighbours', soaps base...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 17:07:00 GMT

Links for websites or videos about Islam

ISLAMIC WEBSITES: http://www.tu...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 12:28:00 GMT

Withholding Evidence and False Witness

Withholding Evidence and False WitnessAllah says in the Qur'an, [Conceal not evidence; for whoever conceals it, his heart is tainted with sin. And Allah Knows all that you do.] The companions of the P...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 15:18:00 GMT

Imprecise Speech in Islam

Imprecise SpeechIslam teaches us to speak with precision and certainty. In fact, such precision and exactness should pervade all matters in our lives. The Prophet (pbuh) encouraged exactness when he s...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 20:15:00 GMT

Betraying Secrets in Islam

Betraying SecretsDisclosing someone's secret is a betrayal. It is disliked to disclose a secret if there is a necessary or compulsion, and forbidden when there is no pressing need for the secret to be...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 20:13:00 GMT