~!*♥*!~Princess Taia~!*♥*!~ profile picture

~!*♥*!~Princess Taia~!*♥*!~

~*♥*~The best Taia in the world~*♥*~

About Me

HEY Guys thanks for stopping in to read up about me! Of course you know my name is Taia! First and foremost I am on fire for God! I am a Sinner saved by grace! He is my passion my reason for living! Jesus is the lover of my soul, I am faithful to Him, and because of that He gives me so many blessings. I have so many things about me that I love to do, and that I just love because I love life and you will not find me wearing a frown often. I love family time, I love dancing, sunsets, watching the sunrise, walks, daisies,pink, princess looking stuff, and foo foo! laughing, singing, I love to go horseback riding, music, my fave praise and worship song is "I lift my eyes up", tennis, working out, beating anyone at cards, storms. I love the rain, kissing in the rain, jumping in mud puddles, dancing in it, singing in it, planting flowers in the rain. I love photography, scrapbooking, cars, dodge rams, I love flowers, writing my feelings out, hanging with friends, being crazy,Getting hand written letters, I love cooking and making my food look amazing, I love Christmas and making candy, giving presents, seeing family! I love shopping in busy malls and making grouchy shoppers smile! I love children, teaching Sunday school, babysitting, teaching children to dance and setting an example for them. Drama team, missions work, I love shoes, shopping, purses,sunglasses and making myself look different from the rest of the world in dress and in spirit.I love guitar, and still learning how to play. I love massages and giving them, doing my hair, makeup, nails, but I don't obsess over it like a lot of girls. I love jewelry, DIAMONDS, and what diamonds represent! I love accepting people for who they are, and who they can become. I am creative! I am a goal setter, dreamer and achiever, I am God's Princess strong in Faith, Strong in life! I am your friend because thats what I'm called to be. no matter who you are or what you've done to me. I am YOUR FRIEND! I'm thankful for all the friends I have! You are a blessing, a gift.
In His Steps,
By The Way.. my top friends list is split up with my top gurlies and my top guys!!
As Taia smiles with tears in her eyes its tears of joy and not pain she cries.
God gave her a special heart, from the rest its set apart.
A heart of pure beauty not given up to just any pasing cutie.
Taia is special to God above and I know it cause she shows His love
Thanks Drew for writing that! I'm so glad thats what is protrayed about me!Hey guys.. If you wanna check out more pics and stuff like that..
To all of the service men.. I appreciate you soo much!! Going over there.. and risking your lives for freedom and for protecting us here in America!! My prayers will always be with you!! Lee.. this will be on my myspace until you return!! Thanks for being a kool friend!! Stay strong in God and don't let anything sway your faith!! You will be greatly missed!!Get Your Own Voice Player Manage

My Interests

♥♥♥♥♥God Above Anything
♥Dreaming about My Future
♥Pink Houses on the Beach
♥♥♥Christian Music
♥Rubber Duckies
♥Fun Flavored Lip Gloss
♥The Beach
♥Star Gazing
♥Picking Wild Flowers
♥Cars (Specially YELLOW VETTES!!)
♥I am obsessed with pac-man..I can play that game for HOURS
♥Halo 2
♥Text Messages
♥Orange Tic Tacs
♥Letters in the mail
♥Playing the WII
The list goes on and on

I'd like to meet:

Of Course, Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior face to face. I would love to meet many people in the Bible because some stories are so amazing! Jonah, Noah, Joseph, Moses, Mary, Martha, Noah, Daniel, Job, Shadrach, Meshach and Abendigo, wow I can't even type them all out, but yah so many of them. I would like to meet many people, but yah GENE KELLY!!Fred Astaire (sp), they are some of my dance inspirations!! Debbie Reynolds, Ginger Rogers, Frank Sinatra, Ty Pennington, Walt Disney, Steve Irwin..*tear* Julie Andrews, Bob Barker My Guy!! well in person..

Taia is the best! she rocks!
*woot I left something here*

Taia your one crazy cool gurl ya know that? ...alright well now you know that
You know what…this is…this is nice…this is some great publicity here…I mean hey, everyone comes to this website, seriously, even former president bill clinton comes on here from time to time every few hours. So my point is that since this site has some great publicity…I think that yall should add me to your myspaces! All you have to do is just click this link right here and wam bam slam kablam you’ll get to see my profileClick this link right here below and do itSee, now that wasn’t so hard now was it?Hope yall enjoy talkin’ to me!Later - Eric


12 Stones♥
Barlow Girl♥
Beach Boys♥
Better Days Ahead(BDA)♥
Big Dismal♥
Building 429♥
By The Tree♥
Casting Crowns♥
Casting Pearls♥
Chris Tomlin♥
David Crowder Band♥
Day Of Fire♥
Falling Up♥
Family Force 5♥
Fighting Instinct♥
FM Static♥
Foolish Things♥
Frank Sinatra♥&hearts
Hawk Nelson♥
House Of Heros♥
Jeff Deyo♥
Jeremy Camp♥
John Rueben♥
Kids In The Way♥
Matthew West♥
Nicole Nordman♥
Out Of Eden♥
Paul Wright♥
Rachel Lampa♥
Relient K♥
Sanctus Real♥
Seven Places♥
Seventh Day Slumber♥
Shane & Shane♥
Stacie Orrico♥
Steller Kart♥
The Wedding♥
Thousand Foot Krutch(TFK)♥
Todd Agnew♥
So much more!! I ABSOULUTLEY LOVE LOVE LOVE MUSIC!! It's a HUGE part in my life!

Your Disney love song is So This is Love from
Cinderella, a song about falling in love for
the first time.

What is your Disney Love Song?
Check Out this band guys they RAWK


2 Fast 2 Furious♥
8 Below♥
13 Going On 30♥
50 First Dates♥
A Cinderella Story♥
A Walk To Remember♥
Bring It On♥
Center Stage♥
Cheaper By The Dozen 1&2♥
Chicken Little♥
Christmas Movies♥
Chronicles Of Narnia♥
Cinderella 2♥
Cinderella 3♥♥
Cry Wolf♥
Daddy Daycare♥
Dirty Dancing♥
Disney Movies(specially the classics)♥
Disney Princess Movies♥
Dr.Dolittle 3
Fantastic 4♥
Finding Nemo♥
Hide And Seek♥
High School Musical♥
How The Grinch Stole Christmas♥
How To Loose A Guy In 10 Days♥
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown♥♥
In Her Shoes♥
Just Like Heaven♥
Just Married♥
Just My Luck♥
Kiss Me Kate♥
Left Behind 1&2♥
Legally Blonde♥
Lilo and Stitchypoo♥
Maid In Manhattan♥
Mean Girls♥
Model Behavier♥
Monster In Law♥
Monsters Inc.♥
Mr.& Mrs.Smith♥
My Big FAT Greek Wedding♥
My Fair Lady♥
Napolean Dynomite♥
National Treasure♥
Over The Hedge♥
Passion Of The Christ♥
Phantom Of The Opera♥
Pride And Predjudice♥
Princess Diaries1&2♥
Raise your Voice♥
Rat Race♥
Rush Hour 2♥
Scamper The Penguin♥
Shall We Dance♥
She's All That♥
She's The Man♥
Spiderman 1&2♥
Star Wars♥
Step Up♥♥
Sweet Home Alabama♥
Take The Lead♥
The Bourne Idenity♥
The Bourne Supremecy♥
The Christmas Card♥
The Fast and The Furious♥
The Fast and The Furious Tokoyo Drift♥
The Grudge♥
The Incredibles♥
The Longest Yard♥
The Master Of Desguise♥
The Matrix♥
The Notebook♥♥
The Pajama Game♥
The Pacifier♥
The Pink Panther♥
The Prince and Me♥
The Ring1&2♥
The Sound Of Music♥
The Truman Show♥
The Villiage♥
The Wedding Planner♥
The Wedding Singer♥
The Wizard Of Oz♥
Uptown Girls♥
Veggie Tales♥
Water Boy♥
West Side Story♥
What A Girl Wants♥
When A Stranger Calls♥
xXx State Of The Union♥
Yours Mine and Ours♥and TONS more!!!


7th Heaven♥
ABC Family♥
American Idol♥
Americas Next Top Model♥
Beauty and The Geek♥
Cartoon Network♥
Dancing With The Stars♥
Extreme Makeover Home Edition♥
Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air♥
Food Network♥
Full House♥
Game Show Network♥
My Super Sweet 16♥
Old Cartoons=♥
Parental Control♥
Pimp My Ride♥
So You Think You Can Dance?♥
Style Network♥
Trading Spaces♥
TV Land♥
What Not To Wear♥♥


♥Pride and Prejudice
♥The Divine Dance (every girl should read that book!!)
♥The Power Of A Praying Teen
♥Gift wrapped by God
♥Oh The Places You Will Go (It's a Dr.Suess book but if you read it you can relate everything to Christianity)
♥Well actually..I just love Dr.Suess books!!


God is my hero
my bro

Which Disney Princess are you? by bluwater89
Favorit Color
Your new identity

Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Blog

I've been set free!!

My chains have been loosed.  I have been set free!  God works in amazing ways.  Even though I have worked diligently to be an amazing Christian it just felt like there was a huge oppres...
Posted by ~*)♥(*~Princess Taia~*)♥(*~ on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 09:04:00 PST

my background..

Hey everyone. This is a blog about my background...  This is a blog to tell you how amazing you all are.  I have so many friends to be thankful for.  Friends that have been there in so ...
Posted by ~*)♥(*~Princess Taia~*)♥(*~ on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 02:57:00 PST

Dear God

God guide my steps.. be with me in every decission, and help me in what i do in life..   Guide me in every way i look and let my heart be ready for what is right..  Help me to stay strong wh...
Posted by ~*)♥(*~Princess Taia~*)♥(*~ on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:43:00 PST

To the one I love...

I don't even know where to start with this blog.  I just know I need to write it out.  I know I need to say something because so many things have come to my attention.   I have to ...
Posted by ~*)♥(*~Princess Taia~*)♥(*~ on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 07:44:00 PST

Stop sign. Listen to it!

You know how things seem to be going ok and then all of a sudden God just throws a big red stop sign in front of you..  yet you stop for a moment and you continue to go on..   He throws...
Posted by ~*)♥(*~Princess Taia~*)♥(*~ on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 09:24:00 PST

East Coast Trip

Okay so I had this grand idea to write a blog as I go on with my trip to the east coast right?!  Well my new comp decieded to break! haha so I'm going to try to write a blog now.... I can't remem...
Posted by ~*)♥(*~Princess Taia~*)♥(*~ on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 01:24:00 PST

Make a Joyful Noise, I belive in you guys!

Greater is he that is in me then He that is in the world.  Make a joyful noise unto the Lord in all the lands.  Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before HIs presence with singing. Ente...
Posted by ~*)♥(*~Princess Taia~*)♥(*~ on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 09:56:00 PST

Summer for me...

ITs Been a While since I've written a blog.  So I thought I would share with you some things going on in my life. Summer has been super busy for me.  I'm glad Summer has been busy though be...
Posted by ~*)♥(*~Princess Taia~*)♥(*~ on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:48:00 PST

Step pon di enemy!

STEP PON Di ENEMY! This song brings back memories when I was at a vineyard church one time in North Carolina at a dance convention.  All the way across the sanctuary we had to do certain steps, a...
Posted by ~*)♥(*~Princess Taia~*)♥(*~ on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 08:21:00 PST

Views of me being a "princess"

I have to clear a few things up.   For anyone who might think .. OH she thinks she's a princess.  I don't think you know where that comes from.  If any of you girls read Christia...
Posted by ~*)♥(*~Princess Taia~*)♥(*~ on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 10:44:00 PST